
"Everything is over , Xinghe !"

Lu Wei and Zhi Xi glanced at Xi Yuan before they shook their heads helplessly. This was what they were trying to tell him all along. For once , they could trust him. But trusting his family wasn't something they were sure about from the start. Judging by Xi Chonglin's words , they could easily tell that he already knew about Xi Yuan and Rong Xinghe's relationship. Also , by the way he was framing them , he was possibly hoping for Rong Xinghe to misunderstand Xi Yuan.

But contrary to Xi Chongling's expectations , Rong Xinghe had always been a lady with wisdom.

The woman locked eyes with Xi Yuan and smiled at him warmly. The man was stunned as he lifted his head up and looked back at the girl.

Rong Xinghe brushed her right hand over her heart and then brought the index finger to her head above her right ear. The girl then folded the same hand and placed it above her open left palm before she pointed her index finger at the man.
