
Chapter 9 - Fugaku

YAY! I'm back! It's time for another exciting chapter of "The Will of Fire!" Today's chapter is more aftermath of the birth. Now, in it's thrilling hunt stage. Will Minato find the Masked Man? Hmm . . . hard to tell. At least for the moment . . .

Anyway, you'll note that today is NOT Tuesday or Friday. Yet, I am posting an chapter today. This is because I was working on the third printing of my work and I realized that I hadn't posted all the chapters from the second printing (I am printing up my chapters in groups as I go for editing). Anyway, so I have a lot of chapters before I get to where I am writing right now. And even though I am currently suffering from a bit of writer's block, I do have enough to grant you two chapters this week. This is the first of said chapters.



Chapter 9 - Fugaku

A few days passed and Minato was exhausted. In fact, he was worse than he was before. Naruto still cried all night long, but his father was back at work full time. He would work all day and get home extremely late. Then while trying to get his rest, Naruto would cry and wake them up. Kushina did her best to answer his cries, but she was still a bit weak So, Minato volunteered a lot. Which meant even less sleep.

At work things weren't much better. The news of the attack had reached the populous. Most of the details were lost but they still knew that someone attacked their Hokage and his wife. There was a lot of pointing fingers. Which Minato had to control. He was honored that they were so concerned about his family but needless finger pointing will lead to disaster.

Minato was looking for the man who did this, of course. He didn't have much to go on. He was most likely an Uchiha. Minato got that from his eye. He also called himself Madara. Minato wasn't sure that he was Madara but if he was it would be disastrous. He already displayed a unique Jutsu that Minato had a great difficultly parrying. Who knows what other jutsu the man possessed.

Minato could not sense the mark he had placed on the man. It was likely that either he was out of range or had somehow removed it. Which was a feat in itself. Minato's seals were permanent. They would not be so easily removed. It was possible, but it would be a gruesome process of removing flesh. Most would not be able to stand it's removal.

Minato had some of his best ANBU out there looking for the man. So far they had turned up nothing. He also had the bodies of the ANBU guarding the birth examined but the results were not enlightening. There was no residue or evidence of any special jutsu. They merely suffered normal battle wounds.

Minato also asked his sensei to look for the man. Jiraiya had ways of finding out information that no one else could. He told his sensei what he knew about the man and his abilities. He told him of his suspicions of his identity. Minato asked him to keep an eye out for him. To see if anyone, anywhere reported such an ability. It was a long shot, but he had to find his family's attacker. It was his duty as husband and father.

Because the Masked Man was most likely an Uchiha, he decided to inform Fugaku. It was only fair considering the attacker's possible identity. Besides he needed to be able to investigate the Uchiha. He had to know if one of them was the Masked Man. The only way to do it and maintain good relations was via the Military Police. Something certain parties wouldn't appreciate. Besides, he liked and trusted Fugaku. He hoped that he would return the favor.

Of course, this was a request that had to be handled delicately. It was so easy to insult the clan leader. And with clan relations being at a all-time low, it was especially important to win his trust. He needed his help to protect his wife and son. Minato couldn't afford to make mistakes.

So, he went to Fugaku's office. He made sure to be as polite and respectful as he could. He requested an audience with his friend. If he was turned away then he would leave. But Minato hoped that his friend would not reject his request.

Fortunately, Fugaku welcomed him into his office. If Fugaku suspected a ulterior-motive for his friend's visit he said nothing about it. Instead, he offered Minato a chair then waited for him. Minato gratefully took it. Minato decided to cut to the chase.

He asked him, "I need your help."

Fugaku was surprised. He didn't expect something like that to come out of a Hokage. It was so simple, so blunt that it was hard to believe. If it had come out of someone else, he may have no believed it. But he knew his friend. Minato was being honest. Minato rarely asked for his help. It was even rarer to for him to ask like this. That alone made him pay attention.

"As you know, Kushina was attacked a little over a week ago while giving birth. I don't know the identity of the attacker but it was an highly skilled shinobi. He did things that seemed impossible." He paused for a second, "I was barely able to protect my family." The last statement was the hardest to say. It was true, but Minato hated it. He had to admit his failure. There was no point in hiding it. Especially, if wanted his friend's help.

"That is hard to believe." Fugaku said plainly.

"Yet it is true." Minato described the jutsu The Masked Man used. He didn't leave out how he nearly failed to counter it. It was shameful but Fugaku needed to know.

After his friend was done, Fugaku asked, "I can see why you pursing this enemy. But I do not understand why you are bringing this to me."

This was the part that Minato was dreading. He feared Fugaku's reaction, but he needed to know. It was his right. Besides, Minato needed his help. It was best to tell him the truth.

Fugaku's eyes were cold. It was an accusation that he could not take lightly. He was clearly insulted and if anyone else said those words he would have killed them. But had no political motive. He did not lie. This was the truth as he knew it. That bothered Fugaku even more.

That did not sit well with Fugaku. It meant that one of his clan had betrayed them all. He had single-handedly made things worse for the Uchiha. He did not know the name of the traitor. But he intended to find out.

It wasn't like Fugaku didn't have thoughts of betraying the Leaf. It would be his last resort though. He hoped to work with the Hokage to improve his clan's standings. He respected Minato. Minato was a fair man. He was approachable and honest. He truly cared about all the clans not just a few of them. So far things were improving under his rule. There was no point in rebelling - yet. It was not the time. Yet this Uchiha had taken it upon himself to do just that.

He liked Minato. Their wives were best friends. He bore no grudge against Kushina or their newborn son. Fugaku had a vested interest in keeping a friendly Hokage. His clan would have suffered greatly if they had died. It was a miracle that they didn't. Fugaku was going to keep it that way.

After a long silence, Fugaku spoke again, "I will look into the matter." There was another silence. Minato wanted to leave but it was clear that the meeting was not over. Fugaku wanted to say something else. Yet he was taking his time to do it. The silence was excruciating.

Finally, he spoke again. His words were tense and hinted at the anger underneath them, "If anyone else had come to me about this . . ."

Minato nodded, "I know. But you needed to know." He stood then continued, "I trust you, Fugaku. If you find that he is not among your clan then I close the matter. And I will search for him elsewhere."

Fugaku looked Minato in his eyes, "And if he is an Uchiha?"

Minato answered plainly, "Then I will trust you to deal with it."

Fugaku nodded. Minato was not one to break his word. It meant a lot to Fugaku that he would be willing to set aside his personal revenge. If he was was in the Hokage's place he may have not been so generous. He would look into this matter personally. And perhaps, he would even give Minato the satisfaction of watching the traitor die. No, Minato would not enjoy such a thing. He thought as the two parted. Still, I will find the one responsible for this. He will suffer whoever he is.

That is it for this chapter. On to the next one!
