
At the Bar

Despite of being known as a demon king at his workplace, Lyndon has another side. He is a mama's boy. He likes to be pampered by his mother but unfortunately, it all stopped because of what they did.

Lyndon Lincoln is the youngest CEO of LGC. He is 6'2 feet tall with prominent features. He is branded of having "god-like' face. Cold yet many women are drawn to him. They chase him everywhere. Thus, he ended all his relationships and maintains a platonic lifestyle. As one of the bachelors in the business industry, he just can't have a normal relationship with a normal woman. For him, it would be too chaotic.

When he learned that he is about to get married without him knowing, he wasted himself at a bar.

He's not upset with his parents. He's just seizing this opportunity to get wasted like it was his last time on earth.

Meanwhile, Misha was invited by her friend Anika in a bar. Anika is her acquaintance from work. She's also a model but a print model whereas Misha is a ramp model. She's about to decline but due to stress from work and from the news her parents dropped on her, she decided to tag along.

Anika is with her other friends also so they became a large group. They've been chatting and exchanged numbers while drinking. They can be with themselves because the bar has high regard of privacy of their customers.

Lyndon is drinking alone at his table. It's a cubicle with a leather couch. He chugged down a mug of beer and in his table there were bottles of different liquors. He's quite drunk. He relaxed his head on the couch while holding the mug of beer. Lyndon is an attractive man therefore he catches the attention of many women at the bar despite of him in the corner. They often "pass by" at his front just to check if he has company. When they made sure that he is alone, they approached him and tried to curry his favour hoping that they will be noticed.

Lyndon on the other hand kept glaring at the women that will walk through his vision.

He's swaying on his way to the washroom. This indicates that he is already had enough.

Misha was about to turn to when she feels like she rammed in to a brick wall. Her brows frowned as she saw it was a man's chest. She rubbed her nose due to pain. She tilted her head upwards to see the man whom she bumped.

Stunned, Misha continued to stare at the man's eyes.

She averted her gaze and was about to apologize to Lyndon when he shoved her aside. Misha almost feel to the ground. "Hey! You! How rude!" pointed Misha. She was about to burst in anger by what Lyndon did. He continued to walk and ignored Misha.

Lyndon did not stop and continued to walk towards the exit, swaying. He can barely move his feet. He resembles so much of a zombie. Well, a handsome zombie as Misha thought.

'Did he not recognize me? Am I that forgettable?' Misha thought as she headed towards the exit.

Lyndon recognized her. It's just that, he don't want to. He pretended not to notice her but in fact, he was staring at her the moment he saw her silhouette inside the cubicle.

'At least she became pretty...' he thought.

The very next morning the two of them welcomed the day with a severe headache.

"I'm not going to drink like that again." Lyndon said while crouching in the bathroom vomiting everything he had.

While Misha, feels like her head was about to split because of throbbing pain. She was about to ram her head at the pavement but luckily, Duke found her and gave her medicine for hangovers.

"Get ready, you will be meeting your in-laws and future husband." said Duke while grinning from ear to ear.

Now Misha really wanted to ram her head into the wall but failed again because she was held down with Duke.

"Let me go..." ordered Misha. "I'll better have amnesia than meeting that bastard!"

"No." answered Duke.

"Do you want me to crash your little boy?" asked Misha tauntingly and positioned her knees in between his legs.

Duke chuckled and eventually let her go. He really doesn't want that to happen. Misha is a black belter in all sorts of self defence. She made sure that whoever bullied her before paid a tenfold.

Duke just sighed. He could foresee what will happen in the meeting.

3pm in a 5 star restaurant. A group of 4 has been chatting nonstop. They were anticipating of something or someone eagerly.

"My... my... Rodora, you really don't look in your age at all..."complimented the woman.

"Hehe... I've been taking care of myself really. It's a bit expensive but you know in our age, health comes first." said Rodora agreeing to Michelle. "And you too... You don't age at all. You were still like back in our college years!" she added. Mich was a supermodel. She maintained her figure despite of retiring from the limelight.

"Yes... I too have been taking care of myself really well. Misha is under me after all. I can't ruin that girl's image. Speaking of those kids, where could they have been? It's already 3:30 and they are still not here." asked Mich. She seems to be disappointed by her daughter's behaviour. She doesn't like the idea of tardiness.

"Nah... It's normal for them to be late. Just let them." Shane butted when he noticed the disappointment in his wife's eyes.

Mich sighed. "Kids nowadays really." saying this while shaking her head.

"How about we order the food while waiting for them?" suggested Albert.

"Yeah, we do that... "Agreeing the others and happily picked up the menu.

They ordered food.

After a little while, two figures approaching their table, they walked like they have the time of their own.

"I guess you've met already." said Michele smiling.

hello everyone.. :D

this is my second creation.. I hope that it will push through .. hehe..

leave some of your thoughts in the comment area.. :D

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