
Another man who was broken by love

On the way home, while they were in the car, DX kept playing with Little Monkey who was strapped into the baby car seat next to him. Previously, because he was constantly thinking about Kai Xin, he had never been able to play with Little Monkey for long.

Kai Xin smiled as she watched DX making faces at Little Monkey. She then took a good long look at him. DX's appearance had changed since the last time she saw him and it had startled her slightly. To her, the time had barely passed… But to him… The effects of her coma on him for the last three months were evident. His handsome, blemished free face now had a couple of crow's feet at the corner of his eyes, as well as deeper frown lines on his forehead. His hair had lost the beautiful shine that it had, and he was sporting some white hair as well.

Without knowing it, she leaned toward him and kissed him on the cheek. Surprised by her sudden initiative, DX smiled and looked at her as he asked, "What's that for?"
