
Chapter 1397 was the same

Zang Tiangong was excited, but he was also worried as he boarded the private plane where Ling treatment group was.

Unlike ordinary passenger planes, today’s private plane was in the middle of two long and narrow corridors, with a lounge, a conference room, an office, a restaurant, and so on.

The arrangement of several functional zones was quite tense, but when Zang Tiangong walked into the lounge along the corridor, he felt that it was unexpectedly spacious.

“Doctor Zang.”Zuo Cidian was called over and smiled at Zang Tiangong. “Have a seat first. Director Liang asked you to come over, but he didn’t tell you the exact location. Did you come in on your own?”

“Yes. He didn’t even tell me to turn around during the security check. He just went around me.”Zang Tiangong smiled very simply.
