
Ansar and the foul mood

The next morning; it seemed like a normal day. However, they had an open assembly that day since they were gonna announce the house with the most points on the Arts Day. Taro wasn't aware of such a thing, since the houses basically had no role to play in the Arts Day. It was the individual efforts of the kids that got them the prizes.

Surprisingly, he saw his house winning the championship for Arts. Taro felt guilty as the house leaders forced him into the stage because he didn't give even the tiniest bit of shit about the Arts Day and ended up playing pen fight with his students. So, for someone who played no role in it to grab the championship felt really awkward.

However, he was relieved seeing his alien and human friends grab a hold of the second and third prize. The guilt didn't hurt him anymore, knowing that his roommates had a similarly unproductive day as him yesterday.
