
Beginning of the end




"How is project Endgame coming along?" questions an emotionless voice from the small computer in a very dimly lit room. A man in a white lab coat and goggles replied"She shows remarkable intelligence for an 8-year-old child. Its a shame the rest of the batches all died. She.. is a survivor."I assume you're taking care of it well Dr.Holt?"

"Yes very good care," replies Dr. Holt hurriedly. Suddenly, red alarm lights started flashing and a computerized voice started blaring loudly"Code Alpha!"At that moment a door bursts open to reveal a disheveled man in his 30s ."Sir, it's not good!" shouts the man.

"What is it !" asked Dr. Holt.

"Project Endgame has....escaped!"

This is my first story so please tell me if this chapter is good and thank you for reading

Dr_Malicecreators' thoughts