
It Was Time

Elder Tang didn't stand for his family doing any unseemly things but if someone did do something wrong, it was most probably Tang Luoyi...

If Tang Luoyi had done something wrong to Lu AnLing, Elder Kang would make sure that the boy would pay but for now, Lu AnLing didn't incriminate the boy so Elder Tang waited for a response.

Seeing his serious face, Lu AnLing realized that she could dig Tang Luoyi's grave at that moment. It was tempting and It would be only fair after the way he had treated Kang Jun, back in France, but Lu AnLing felt as if she was going to meet the boy one day so she saved the revenge she had for Tang Luoyi's rudeness for another day

"I just wanted to know if he was your brother. I heard he joined the entertainment industry." Mu AnLing said.

Hearing this, Elder Tang frowned. "I would say he's wasting his potential but Bingyi is best suited for company business to begin with... though it's a bit of a shame that two of my grandchildren became entertainers."

Lu AnLing remembered that Tang Bingyi had a female cousin but she didn't know the girl was an entertainer. Hearing this, Lu AnLing nodded curiously and said, "Don't you own an Entertainment company?"

"Yes, it's a family business. But still... only those who truly love it should become entertainers. Luoyi has talent when it comes to singing and acting but he doesn't love it so he doesn't spare any time to polish his skills. As for Yiling... I don't know how her father taught her but she seems to see making music as a means to an end."

"Meaning?" Lu AnLing asked curiously.

Tang Bingyi: "Meaning she's good at it and she's doing it for the fame and money."

Lu AnLing internally shrugged. To eaches own. She had no right to judge anyone about their choices so she didn't. But one thing made her curious, "I've never heard of a Tang Yiling though..."

Elder Tang: "That's because she doesn't use her name. She goes by TYL."

Lu AnLing almost laughed at how unoriginal that was but she tried hard to hold herself back. After a second, trying to relax her face so she didn't show them her real emotions, Lu AnLing looked towards Tang Bingyi and Elder Tang and said, "Is it okay to tell me this? I mean, I'm a songwriter for Halo Stars... aren't you worried about if I spread this news around?"

Hearing this, Elder Kang shrugged and Tang Bingyi didn't even react. "If you say something about it, at least we know who to sue."

The elder laughed out loud.

Seeing this, Lu AnLing didn't know whether the man was joking or completely serious.

Tang Bingyi put her hand on Lu AnLing's shoulder. "I'm sure you're not going to tell anyone. It wouldn't be of any use to you anyway."

To this Lu AnLing couldn't help but laugh.

After this, Lu AnLing stayed with Tang Bingyi a bit and spoke to the girl but then, a bunch of elders began to gather around them and spoke to Elder Tang.

Seeing this, Tang Bingyi took the opportunity to go to the washroom. Lu AnLing walked Tang Bingyi to the door and the two promised to talk to each other again later.

When Tang Bingyi was out of sight Lu AnLing then began circling the room

Looking around the room, Lu AnLing prayed that Feng Yan was there, and to her luck, she was.

Right at the door, in walked Feng Yan, accompanied by an old woman Lu AnLing did not recognize.

Though, seeing how the room suddenly my went quiet for a moment, Lu AnLing could tell that the woman was important.

Though, everyone else knew that this woman was Feng Zhengyi...

Wanting to get on Madame Kang's good side, a large group of people went to go greet her, which blocked Lu AnLing's access to Feng Yan.

Seeing this, Lu AnLing was a bit concerned about who the woman was but she didn't have too much time to wallow so she ignored it and walked up to Feng Yan.

"We need to talk," Lu AnLing said.

Hearing this, Feng Yan wanted to frown but since it was supposed to be a joyous occasion, Feng Yan forced herself to be cheery, unless she wanted to be scolded by Feng Zhengyi.

Feng Yan looked at Feng Zhengyi for permission, and the old woman, who was completely aware of her surroundings, turned to face Lu AnLing.

Seeing the woman who looked upon Lu AnLing critically, Lu AnLing wanted to frown but instead, she gave a business smile and bowed. "Hello, I'm pleased to meet you."

Because Lu AnLing was polite, Feng Zhengyi nodded to the girl and said, "likewise."

After this, Feng Zhengyi turned to Feng Yan with a slight frown. "You don't need me to tell you when to stay or when to go, do you?"

Hearing this, Feng Yan felt completely embarrassed but she had no choice but to take it. She then turned to Lu AnLing who stood impatiently in front of her and grumbled,

"Let's go..."

Feng Yan didn't necessarily want to leave with Lu AnLing but staying by Feng Zhengyi's side was completely suffocating.

Right now, the only thought that ran through Feng Yan's mind was 'anywhere but here' and so, without thinking, she followed Lu AnLing.

But before she left the room, from the corner of her eye, Feng Yan looked towards Feng Yue who watched her also. They exchanged looks.

Seeing her sister leave, Feng Yue followed a few meters behind her.

Though, Feng Yue wasn't the only one looking their way, seeing that Lu AnLing was initiating the first step of the plan both Lu Xia and Elder Kang, who sat on opposite sides of the room, knew that it was time...

As the two began their preparations, Lu AnLing walked all the way to the bathroom with Feng Yan following close behind her. On their way there, they passed Tang Bingyi who looked at Lu AnLing curiously but Lu AnLing didn't stop to explain a thing.

Once inside the bathroom, Lu AnLing began checking stalls. Seeing no one was there, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"What do you want to say? Spit it out." Feng Yan said arrogantly as she watched Lu AnLing.

Feng Yan was standing in front of the mirrors, looking towards the stalls while Lu AnLing stood opposite of the woman. Seeing herself clearly in the mirror, Lu AnLing could see her unwavering gaze. She was ready for this. Ready for everything to change.

"Feng Yan, annul your engagement." Lu AnLing's voice rang loud and clear in the empty bathroom. It echoed through the room and repeated in Feng Yan's ears.

Pausing for a second, Feng Yan was speechless but moments after she gave a loud laugh.

"Are you jealous or something? Is it because Kang Jun will soon be mine that you're acting this way?" Feng Yan said with utter amusement leaving her body as she continued to laugh out loud. Ever since Feng Zhengyi had arrived at her mothers home, Feng Yan had felt a bit tense but now, Lu AnLing had made this feeling completely disappear.

Staring deep into Lu AnLing's clear eyes, Feng Yan smirked.

Feng Yan: "Did you think that because Kang Jun went on one measly date with you that you had him? Honey, please! Just face it, you've lost."

Waiting until Feng Yan stopped laughing, Lu AnLing crosses her arms across her chest. When the woman was quiet, Lu AnLing said, "Sorry 'honey' but I'm not the one who's lost."

Taking a couple of steps forwards, Lu AnLing had a smile plastered on her oval face as she spoke once more, "Do you really think that being engaged to Kang Jun without his approval means you have him? I think not. The only way to 'have him' is to marry him."

Hearing these words from Lu AnLing's mouth, Tang Yiling's words reverberated through Feng Yan's ears. Forcing her to frown.

Closing the gap between she and Lu AnLing, Feng Yang glared at the girl. "What do you know?! I have the approval of his parents and grandparents. Everything is already prepared. You. Have. No. Chance."

Remembering her backing, Feng Yan gave a laugh but just as she did, Lu AnLing laughed also.

"You think so?" After saying this, Lu AnLing took out her phone and called Kang Jun. Lu AnLing folded her arm across her chest so it could support her elbow. Once Kang Jun answered, Lu AnLing called forth her most coquettish voice and said, "Darling, I'm in the girl's bathroom on the first floor. Come here please."

After saying this, Lu AnLing hung up.

Hearing such a command Feng Yang was completely shocked. Feng Yan did not know who Lu AnLing had called but the words were ominous in the woman's ears. Was Lu AnLing calling for someone to hurt her? Feng Yan felt the sudden urge to scream but instead, all she said was, "If anything happens to me, the Kang family will kill you!"

With that said, Lu AnLing looked at Feng Yan without a care in the world.

Seeing how calm Lu AnLing was, Feng Yan felt her heart begin to palpitate hard.

Just a few more things to say:

- I am taking care of myself! I know that it's health 1st since without my health I wouldn't be able to write. I sit down or lay down a lot during the day, so I've restarted exercising at night.

- I'm sorry I haven't been active in the comment section but I should be back in action answering questions and replying to reviews this weekend.

- There are 4 chapters until the end of this volume.

Have a good day, afternoon or night! :)

caremelcreators' thoughts