
What Do You Do For A Living?

At 9 am Kang Jun appeared at AnLing's front door in a classy suit and a small stack of papers in his hands.

Seeing him there, she was slightly confused but when he handed her the papers she understood immediately.

AnLing and Kang Jun didn't really discuss much. He had just let her look over the contract, she read it through thoroughly and then signed it when she felt comfortable. While reading the contract there were several things that AnLing wanted to talk to Kang Jun about.

It was mostly about the cost of rent but Kang Jun wasn't having any of it.

He had decided on 500 yuan and that was that.

Once they were done AnLing accompanied Kang Jun to the door.

"Thank you again for letting me rent this place."

She was extremely grateful.

She knew of many people who would have been offended by the way she had asked to pay Kang Jun back. No one with money, especially not the men she had known in her life, liked to receive money from someone with less money than them, let alone a girl.

Kang Jun: "No problem. You did more for me, than I have done for you."

AnLing tilted her head.

She didn't think she had done anything for him. Yes, it's true that she had helped Mingyu but just barely since she ended up being knocked out. If Kang Jun hadn't been there she would have been in trouble and so would have Mingyu.

"Thank you, but I don't think I did much." AnLing said politely.

Kang Jun sighed.

He was slightly displeased. It wasn't with her answer, but more about the formality in her tone. Yesterday, when she spoke to him she had been a little less rigid but now it felt as if they were meeting for the first time all over again.

Between them, it was a business deal, but still, he wanted to be closer.

AnLing was about to open the door and let him out when she heard him speak.

"What are you doing today?" He asked.

AnLing wasn't sure whether she wanted to answer or not.

AnLing: "I have some work to do in the afternoon and then I have to prep for tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Kang Jun asked quizzically. "What's going on tomorrow?"

AnLing: "There's this event at my workplace. It's not really a big deal."

In truth, Kang Jun knew exactly what was going on tomorrow. After all, it was an event the media had been waiting for.

Halo Stars Entertainment was one of the biggest entertainment companies around with many beautiful and talented actresses, models and singers. And for the first time in a long time, they had a gold rush of new young artists.

To show their appreciation of sorts and get some publicity, they had many things planned for their young new stars that week.

One of those many things was allowing reporters to come into the building.

As allowed and instructed by the higher-ups, they would be allowed to roam free and interview any new star they wanted, as long as they didn't cause trouble.

It was the best opportunity for anyone to get out into the spotlight and most importantly it gave Halo Stars an idea who to invest resources in and who to get rid of.

The competition and business model at Halo Stars was ridiculous, Kang Jun knew this, but that is exactly why the company thrived while others faded away with the times.

Kang Jun frowned slightly.

"You'll be busy from now on?" He asked.

Seeing his frown, AnLing asked back, "Is that a problem?"

"No problem."

Although he said that his face didn't change.

AnLing looked at him perplexed but she had her guesses as to why Kang Jun wasn't happy.

"If it's about the rent or Mingyu feel free to contact me. You have my number so if there is a problem or anything you need from me please feel free to text or call me. Though if I'm at work sending text's would be the best alternative and I'll answer you whenever I have free time."

As soon as he heard that, Kang Jun's eyes smiled.

She was, pretty much, allowing him to text her whenever he wanted. That was good to know.

"Of course." Kang Jun said.

Finally seeing an opening AnLing opened the door and let Kang Jun out. She thought she would be able to just close the door behind him but the man had other plans.

"Accompany me."

AnLing froze.

Seeing how she didn't move, Kang Jun also made no move.

Kang Jun: "Is there a problem? Are you busy right now?"

There was no problem and she was not.

It was pretty early in the morning for her and she was just planning on catching an hour of sleep and then search for jobs online before work but a part of her felt as if she had no right to refuse.


Hearing her reply, Kang Jun gave a satisfied look.

Together, they headed downstairs.

Because it was mid-week and almost midday, the hotel was pretty empty. Between them, a deep silence had set in.

"So… Mister Kang, what do you do for a living?" AnLing said trying to make conversation.

"I work at a company," Kang Jun said.

Looking at the time on her phone AnLing couldn't help but wonder why he was still there and why he had insisted on meeting her at 9 am.

"Isn't it super late for you then? AnLing's voice sounded a bit guilty.

"Nope. It's a family business." Kang Jun said calmly.

He didn't want her to feel bad. It wasn't her fault, to begin with, but his own selfishness. He had wanted her to get a good nights sleep but he also wanted to see her before he went to work.

Day by day, minute by minute, he was beginning to like her more

But he still needed some time to determine the extent of his own feelings...

"Oh okay," AnLing said nonchalantly, but a slight shock could be seen on her face.

'What the hell… these rich kids have no shame.' AnLing couldn't help but sneer internally.

Though, despite thinking that, AnLing was used to that kind of attitude, she had seen it all through high school and at the gatherings she had been brought to by the Lu's. Sometimes she found the rich and famous wasteful.

Why allow a son or a daughter to take over or work in the families company if they won't put as much effort as the common man?

AnLing felt a bit disappointed by Kang Jun.

Though one thing she didn't know was that Kang Jun had done more than enough for Kang Corporation.

He had sacrificed his whole 20's to the company to save it from bankruptcy and turn it into a modern-day superpower. He had worked so hard back then that he had neglected many aspects of his life. The result of it all was good for the company as a whole, but for him, not so much…

Nowadays, Kang Jun still spent time working hard for the company but he slowed himself and allowed others to step up within the company instead.

A good company is built around good people.

He would never tell her that though. Even if it would score him some brownie points.

The past was useless to him now. Only the present mattered.

Kang Jun: "And what do you do for a living Miss Lu?"

AnLing paused.

She knew that Kang Jun knew about her jobs. He had checked up on her; that she was positive about, even if he didn't want to admit it.

"I have many jobs." AnLing said with a little shame. "But right now, the most stable job I have is as an assistant."

Knowing that Kang Jun knew more than he was letting on about her, she didn't see the point of saying much.

After she answered, Kang Jun didn't say a word.

Once AnLing was done her job of accompanying him she went back to her room quickly. She didn't want to waste any more time. She needed to sleep because she knew that tomorrow would be so busy that she wouldn't be doing much of that.

Arriving at her door, her phone suddenly buzzed.

King Kang: [Is there a day when you won't be busy?]

AnLing furrowed her eyebrows before she began typing.

Kang Jun would ask the strangest questions. She really didn't understand the man at all. Sometimes she wondered what Kang Jun's intentions were but she was too afraid to ask.

AnLing: [Why?]

King Kang: [I forgot to inform you that Mingyu wants to see you again.]

'uhhhhh…' AnLing wasn't really sure what to say. She had only parted from the boy yesterday and this week would be very busy for her so even if she wanted to see him she wouldn't be able to.

AnLing: [I'll need to check my schedule]

King Kang: [Okay.]

AnLing was about to put down her phone but then another message came in.

King Kang: [You have an audition on Saturday. Remember to check the details.]

She had almost completely forgotten about the audition.

By the way, Kang Jun had written the message it made AnLing mind race. For once, in her life, it felt like she was a singer and Kang Jun was her manager. This was as close as she would get to feel like a singer.

At least that is what she believed.

Giiiiiirl..... Let's be serious.... he met you at that time because he wanted to see you in the morning but also be considerate.

Dudes intentions are clear as day!

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