

In the split second when she stopped to glare at Long Kue, Dao Txu in disguise shot a rope limiter encasing Saveria. It would only be a matter of time before Hue Chi was far enough for his nullify zone to reach its perimeter limit. They have to somehow subdued Saveria's ability before the nullify zone disappeared, so she doesn't destroy Tatsuo Xiang's Prestique district as it would be troublesome to deal with the aftermath.


The taxi was an unmarked royal car. The safety lock can only be undone by the driver up at the front. No matter how much she pulled the door handle, it wouldn't open. She lunged across the middle table and attempted to squeeze her way to the front when the partition zoomed up and clicked lock. As for the driver, he couldn't hear what's happening from the back the car was sound proof once the divider sealed between the front and back seat.
