
Rushing Around (3)

編輯: EndlessFantasy Translation

The sky in City B turned rather dark in the evening, and it looked like it was going to rain.

Inside a VIP room in Hua Tian Hotel, Qi Lei headed back to the hotel after he was done meeting the collaborators and had his lunch.

He played computer games late into the night again yesterday. When he entered the underground dungeon, he met another player called "Swift Snowy". Not only did this player trap him, but he also stole a lot of his equipment after hunting him down.

Qi Lei's in-game name was "Eastern Gust". He was one of the top three players in the game, and this particular player was giving him trouble! He had faced the other two of the top three players before, so it was definitely not them. Then, who could this person be?

He never knew such a strong player existed before! He was looking around and waiting for him to go online.
