
Because of Love? (3)

編輯: EndlessFantasy Translation

Yue Lingsi was pale and she balled fists as she looked at Xi Mushan, muttering, "Mushan, Xinyi wasn't sensible. She's still young. Don't blame her..."

"Still young? She was only in her teens and she's already learned such evil tricks to frame her own sister. How's she considered still young? The student becomes the master after she was taught by you."

"Father, I already said that I really didn't do that on purpose!"

Xi Mushan shot Xi Xinyi a side look. Quickly, his gaze fell onto Yue Lingsi with a coldness that could not be hidden in his still eyes. "If you still want to keep your position as the mayor's wife, I hope you'll buck up and play your role well."

"Mushan, listen to me..." Yue Lingsi shivered slightly. She immediately went up to him and was about to hold onto his arm, yet he just lifted a hand and turned around indifferently. Consequently, he reached out to nothing.
