

She had a splitting headache. She did not know where she was or who brought her here. When she awoke, she was alone in a room. The room had two sets of bunkbed, and each set had a two-storey beds. It looked like a guy's place.

She panicked and looked around.

During these kinds of situation, a person can only rely on himself – or herself. She checked herself, her surroundings. She touched her head, her cap, and her clothes. Her wallet was still inside her backpocket.

'What a mess. I made this mess.' She thought.

'Mind over matter.'

The girl was not faint of heart. Though panic-stricken she did not even think of crying like damsel in distress. She knew that whatever happened was a consequence of her actions and she had to face it head-on.

Realizing that she was alone in the room, she planned on making a quick escape. She saw the window and she tried to open it but it was closed shut. The only way out was through the door.

She opened the door as quietly as possible. Still, a clicking sound escaped.


He saw a guy standing beside the door.

'Was he the one who brought me here? Was he waiting for me? What to do next? Should I just run?'

'No, I have to know what happened.'

She asked several questions which the young lad answered quite tactfully.

"To answer your question." *Cough* "We didn't do anything inappropriate. You don't have to worry. You are at my dormitory – I found you on the streets last night and couldn't really leave you behind." He was looking at the floor while saying all these. He glanced up at her then quickly withdrew his gaze to the floor. His hands were still in his pockets. He looked embarrassed.

She was simply grateful. She couldn't help but grin widely. She was also relieved.

"I have to thank you for saving me last night. It was so irresponsible of me – really. I am very sorry for troubling you. I did not mean to intrude. You seem to be a good fellow."

Then the girl laughed.

"You blush easily." She blurted out.

'His face and ears are sooo red right now. I might have caused it but it really is so funny. He's fascinatingly funny. He doesn't seem like a bad guy.'

"I'm Xue Jinxu."

"My name is Chen Linyun."

They shook hands. Now that the formalities were exchanged, it's definitely time to go. She promised him a meal as thanks.

Then, before she can even start walking, she was swept by her feet so quickly. It was just a flash of a moment, and suddenly she's back inside the room.

'What happened?'

She could smell a cool pleasant scent, and realized, this Chen guy.. 'He's too close.'

His hands landed on her forearms. Her back rested on the door. And her face was blocked by his chest.

Chen Linyun explained the situation and what had happened in an instance, and freed her.

"I forgot to tell you that my dormitory is an all-male facility, and the presence of a woman is strictly not allowed." He glanced towards her.

"Oh." She couldn't think anything to say.

Her cheeks were burning. Her head was spinning. She was in a daze.

She thought it best to escape – now is the right time.

"I better go now. I'll be fine on my own now." She grinned again.

After fixing her guise, she thanked him again and left. She left just like that.

No matter how strong she appeared or how steadfast she was, she was, after all, still a young lady. After that close encounter, she was abashed. She laughed at him for becoming a red tomato in the head. Here she is now, all the same, blushing hard.


Outside the dormitory, she grabbed a taxi and returned to her lodging, took a shower and popped an aspirin inside her mouth. Her head was still spinning. She wished to take a short nap.

Before she could do that, a sound of a phone ringing reverberated in the empty space. It was still early in the morning, around eight.

At the other end of the call, a guy's voice was heard.

"Big Miss, you have to go home now. The household needs you."

"I understand Butler Lee. Please get a ticket for tomorrow's flight."

She hung up the phone and stared to the morning sunlight outside the window. It was a pleasant Friday morning.

Minutes past but she simply stared out into the horizon. Outside her window, birds were chirping merrily.

'The inevitable has come.'

She grabbed an apple inside her fridge, took a bite and did some decluttering in her wardrobe and around her house. Soon enough she finished packing her things up.

In the afternoon she went outside and settled some more things. She went to the university where she was enrolled, did some paperworks and left.

She bid her friends farewell.

"Xiao Jinxu, you take care alright? Let's call each other often."

"Let's keep in touch."

It was all too sudden.

'Tomorrow I will leave this place.'

She roamed around again listlessly around the neighborhood, careful not to sip any alcohol to prevent a repeat of what happened the night before.

She shuddered at what happened last night.

The memories were returning to her in fragments. She was with her friends. They went into a bar and did some dancing and laughing. She did not notice that she drank too much already. Upon feeling light-headedness, she bid her friends farewell so that she can safely rest at her abode.

But she did not reach home.

She remembered on her way home, weariness got the better of her. She could not help but burst into tears. She was grieving. She just lost a loved one, a person she would never see again. She cried her heart out while sauntering along an empty road. She sat down on the sidewalk near a lamp post to steady her breathing. But before she knew it, she collapsed. No one will ever know how long she had been lying along the gutter.

'That's probably when that Chen guy found me.'

'Good thing nothing bad really happened. I'm still lucky.'

'I should be more careful. Especially now, and in the coming days.'

She let out a heavy sigh, then headed back to her lodging for the last time.

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It's actually my first attempt at writing a novel. Your support thru voting, together with your comments and feedback are encouragement for me. I'll do my best.


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