
Upgrading a Legendary Weapon?

"Right this way!" Gasnon shouted, leading Jack toward the back of the property. "I'm still not fully setup, but I've got most everything up and running. What do you think?"

The strong old man pushed open a giant door, leading to an enclosed courtyard turned into a workshop. A large forge was built into one wall with coals and different levels of flames throughout the space. Near that was a workbench and anvil, alongside an array of hammers, tongs, and various tools to intricately carve or etch things into materials. There was a small above-ground font of water ready to instantly cool anything when needed and many different racks or hangers along the other walls, as well as more tables littered with diagrams, small tools, and half-made trinkets. There were other tools and things littered across the room as well.

"It ain't much to look at, but she's just what I like!"

Spotting a half-heated block of metal on the anvil, Jack pointed. "What's that?"
