
Finding Lyrun

'That's enough, Phoro!'

The Minokawa chuckled as Jack gave the order to slow down, returning to his usual half speed. 'I hope you get stronger sooner. I want to fly freely, not at a snail's pace.'

Laughing, Jack looked back to the women as he replied, 'If that's a snail's pace, I want to get a snail as my next companion.'

'That's… too fast…' Eliza groaned, feeling a headache from that explosion of speed.

Jack tried to comfort her and Daliea. 'Told you to brace yourself. How else were we gonna lose those elves following us?'

'Fine… just don't do it again,' replied Eliza.

'Yes, let's not do that again,' added Daliea, who felt a bit better since the incident took her mind off the negotiation with Gwendon. 'Are we there now?'

'Not quite,' Jack answered. 'At this speed, we'll reach there in a couple of hours. So just relax for now.'
