
Finally Making Their Move

"One question at a time, okay?" Jack sighed. "As for what I'm after, what do you think it is, given that we know you've illegally entered our storehouse and are following us?"

"You want to know what we plan to do inside of the storehouse and are wondering if we have any agenda besides stealing the treasures of the vault," Vixus deduced. "Also, what do you mean by "our storehouse"?"

"Exactly that. It's our storehouse, as I'm also a member of the Leisure Guild," stated Jack. "And yes, what you've deduced is part of what I want to know. But I'm also interested in your intentions for the treasure you seek after you've obtained it."

"You ask too many questions."

"So do you," retorted Jack. "But unlike you, I'm willing to answer you're questions, that is if you'll cooperate. Or am I wrong to assume you won't cooperate?"

"... Even if you're a member of the guild, you wouldn't have the right to offer me anything in the storehouse."
