
My Wish

After the happiest day of Crown ceremony, it was Ritual day for the yearly predictions.

Only first five ministers were invited by the Palace to join in this ritual.

Xing excused that he won't come in this ceremony, he was busy for the birthday ceremony of his treasure daughter.

After two days, Henan would celebrate her seventeenth birthday though it was unusual for a girl to remain unmarried after reaching seventeen years old age.

But it was different for Henan in many aspects.

Xing and his disciple were running in the spacious ground in front of his mansion.

Xao has tempered his body enough to tolerate the insane training hours, he no longer breathed like a goon after running two miles.

His body was coming into shape with this training.

Xing has cleared the first round of his training and he sat in the garden bench and called for his daughter.
