
Chill Day Sunday

Today is our chill day sunday! I don't know why Reeve seems to be too quiet these past few days. I'm sure that some things are bothering him and I don't want to intrude his privacy. Maybe I'll just think of something to cheer him up. Maybe I should think of a nice topic. Hmmmm... Which one would be good? Childhood? Elementary? Oh! They said that one of the most memorable will be your High School days! I had fun during that time. I want to know his though.

I cleared my throat. "Hey Reeve!" I chirped which prompted him to look at me. "I was wondering if Ren was popular back in high school? He seems like the friendly type. "

He looked up and seems to be digging up his memories and then he chuckled. "Do you really want to know?" I grinned in response because Ren was just an excuse what I actually wanted to know was about his high school days.

"Well he's the jolly type and he looks good so yes he's kinda popular." he replied.

"Whay about you?" I asked after pausing the movie we are currently watching at Netflix.

"Me? I'm... Well... Ah... I'm kinda quiet. Like the snobby type. Mysterious? That's what most of the class says." seems like he's hiding something. Is he like the delinquent type? Like in those japanese anime?

"Is your hair long too?" I'm checking out his expression making sure that I won't make him annoyed.

He played with his hair which is on a let down mode. It's really silky. "It's short. I like the clean cut because I was planning on joining the military academy but I changed my mind later after finding out that I was interested in computers more."

"Did you join any fraternities or gangs?" The clean-cut delinquent Reeve version is somehow imprinted on my mind right now. "No way! I'm too lazy for any extra curriculars and plus I don't like the initiation thingy. So me and Ren and..." he stopped.

"And?" I was paying attention seems like there's someone he doesn't like to mention. Is it a girl? Questions like this won't do any good to my heart.

"And the others. We just hangout, play video games or basketball."

"So you didn't join the varsity?"

"Gabriel did." Gab what? Who's Gab?

"Gabriel was Ren's twin brother." What? Ren has a twin brother?

"For real?!" I'm discovering so much from here.

"I have an older brother too he's two years older and a real heartthrob." Was he the one in the photo? Or Ren's twin brother? They look a lot similar except for the color of their eyes. Like I said if Ren had the same eyes as Reeve I would have mistaken him for Kenji's dad. Actually the thought of Reeve being Kenji's dad still lingers on my mind. I'm just waiting for him to tell me. I'm already preparing my mind like how to react to it. Crazy huh. I really want to ask him if he dated Christie back then but I'm rationalizing that if they do then it's in the past but I'll be out of the picture cause I'm just the proxy mom in the end. Erase! Erase! I placed my hand on my chest knowing that I don't want that to happen.

"Did you date someone during the Prom?"

"I'd rather sleep than do cheesy things. But we were obliged to attend so what to do?" Is this guy really lazy or just not interested.

"Girls didn't ask you out?"

"I'd prefer if I make the first move. It's more gentlemanly and somewhat hmmmm challenging where you get the one you love with your pure intentions and efforts."

"So you like challenging girls?"

"It's not that 'challenging girls' but the challenge of winning the girls heart through your own means."

"Oh okay. So you are kinda the traditional one?"

"Maybe I'm still kinda old fashioned when it comes to love."

"So how many girlfriends did you had?" my heart was thumping with this question.

He looked at me seriously and said, "Official or unofficial?" I gulped made me think that this old fashioned guy is a womanizer.

He messed my hair and laughed out loud. "You are so serious Sach" I touched my head and pretended to fix my hair. My heart is beating very fast with his gesture.

"I only had two girlfriends but didn't last for long. I don't know maybe because I was too young during that time and didn't value any commitments. Or maybe I was busy with my own world that I forgot I had a partner."

"Do you have this 'The One That Got Away'?" he smiled at me. It's not his usual smile but I can't explain. His blue eyes were like trying to express some words I can't seem understand.

"I'm glad they got away because if not then I wouldn't have met you..."

My heart! My heart! This guy is really something else.

Sorry for the short chapter ❤️ Stay safe everyone!

imaJHAYEnationcreators' thoughts