
Starry Night

We decided to go and enjoy the beach this afternoon. Sachie wore a black swimsuit with a white cover up. I took Kenji with him while we strolled along the seashore. She went barefoot with her slippers on her hand.

Suddenly a big wave came and she held onto my arm. She got wet the most which made her laugh in the end. I let her hand from my arm slide until it reached my hand.

"Don't worry I'll hold you" while securing her hand with mine. She didn't budge or anything so we walked a little bit until we found a quiet one.

I placed the blanket on the shaded part of the tree and there we sat. Neither of us said a word. Its just the sound of the oceans, the birds, the wind and of course our baby's cooing while playing with himself.

"You know..." she started. I shifted my gaze from the sea to her.

"Thank you for coming here..." she looked at me straight into the eyes and smiled gently.

I felt loss of words all of a sudden. I felt this stinging in my heart. Where else would I be? Of course at her side.

"You don't know how happy I am right now" she continued.

"It's like one of the happiest moments in my life" her eyes suddenly widened in surprise. Its like she said something she shouldn't.

"You know what, I'm happy that you, no, both of you came into my life" I said.

"I know its not east but just know that I'll always be here to support you. Whatever makes you happy, I'm happy too..." my last words was kinda hard to swallow. What if its not me she likes in the end. Well whatever happens, I only want her to be happy. But I can't help but wish it was with me. Anyway the fight has not yet started. But do I have to wait until a new guy comes and snatch her away from me?

"Let's take a picture!" I took my phone and did several shots. We went into the water for a while and played with Kenji. This boy loves water. We dried him afterwards so he won't catch a cold. Kenji slept on my shoulder afterwards and we decided to watched a little more as the sun slowly sets down.

Tomorrow we have this fun vacation will go to an end. Soon we have to go back to our own realities.

We went back to our room and laid Kenji on the bed. We decided to have our dinner here at the balcony. While waiting for our orders we prepared ourselves.

She was dressed already when she came out of the shower. When she took the towel off her hair I noticed that her hair is getting longer.

"What?" while she continued on drying her hair.

"Nothing. Its just that your hair is getting longer"

"Should I cut it again?"

"No! Don't... You look more beautiful with your long hair" she threw me her towel.

"Just go and get a bath" she took the brush and combed her hair.

She's so cute! What to do? I love teasing her. I laughed and she glared at me. I went for a quick shower. By the time I finished the order arrived and it was already set in the balcony.

"Let's eat" as I pulled the chair for her she gave her thanks and when I know she was seated comfortably I went to the other side and sat.

I decided to play some music from Ben&Ben entitled "Maybe the night"

"The stars are so bright" she said as she stood on the balcony. I handed her a cup of coffee cause that's what she usually does at night after meal.

"Thank you" then she took a sip.

"Careful its hot"

"I know"

She sighed. "We are going home tomorrow..."

"I know..."

"I wish we could stay longer"

"Let's go again for a vacation"

"Really?" Her eyes were sparkling.

"Where do you wanna go?"

She paused to think. "Surprise me!" while smiling confidently.

"So I'll do the planning for the coming summer huh?"

"Yeah I'll leave it into your hands"

"You sure? Anywhere? I can choose which destination I want?"

"Yes" then she took another sip.

"Okay then. Request granted." Then I took a sip from my coffee.

She placed her cup on the table. Then put both of her hands on the railings and placed her face above it while looking at me.

"Anywhere is okay as long as its with you" What did she say? I can feel my face getting warmer despite this cold night.

"Thank you Reeve..." then she stood up and turned her back onto the railings.

I was lost for words again. She's too sweet right now.

"The meal was nice..." I felt she changed the topic because I wasn't able to respond right away.

"Yeah. The food here is delicious"

I turned my back on the railings. "I know its silly but can I invite you for a dance?"

She laughed. "What? Is that a happy dance or a slow dance"

"Remember the one I played while we are eating?"


I took my phone and played it from my playlist. I took her hand and placed it on my shoulders and mine on her upper back. She was still laughing while we are dancing.

"You are crazy..."

Yes I'm crazy for you.

We danced under this bright starry night. As the song continued to play.

'Maybe the night holds a little hope for us, dear

Maybe we might want to settle down, just be near

Stay together here...'


Happy Heart’s Day ❤️ I wanna be in love again... Happy reading!

imaJHAYEnationcreators' thoughts