
Government Shelter (9)

<Author's note: The things (racism, sexism, political views, etc.) depicted or mentioned in this story do not reflect the real world and are purely coincidences. If they do, please keep in mind that they are simply for world-building and are only work of fiction. Thank you for your understanding.>

"Listen here. You're going to teach me how to fly a helicopter or I'll kill you and everyone that stands in my way," Nathan said in a cold voice.

Yasmin looked at Nathan who was standing and looking down on her from his towering height.

There was a vibe coming from him that felt familiar to her.

Ever Since the apocalypse began and given that she goes out to search for supplies, she had her share of dangerous encounters.

And based on her experience, it's the humans who were the most dangerous.

At least with the zombies, they would simply attack and eat you right away.

But with humans? Pray that you don't get capture by those bloodthirsty sick and sadistic ones because they will toy with you before giving you the sweet kiss of death.

However, despite all that, she wasn't one to back down from a fight.

The world isn't what it used to be.

Everyone has the System. Age and gender don't mean anything anymore -- it's all about courage!

As for Nathan's height? Sure, it gives him the reach advantage. But his size also makes him an easy target.

Yasmin got up and said, "Who the fuck do you think you are to talk to me that way?"

"You guys take it outside. This is a place for eating," Ekueme said as he dipped his bread in his soup and took a bite.

The other people inside the tent chimed in as well.

"Hey, take it outside you two."

"A meal and a show. This is interesting."

"Ever since everyone got the System, some people just started thinking that they're superman or something."

"Yeah, and in the end the guards will take care of them and they will cry for forgiveness."

Some people chuckled.

"Yasmin, please excuse Nathan. He just arrived here today so he still doesn't know how things run around here. But he's applying to be part of the Riot Control Task Force," said Ida.

"Oh, so this is the person you've told me about this afternoon? Looks like a trouble maker," said Patricia.

Yasmin scoffed and said, "Riot Control Task Force? I don't care if he's --"

All of a sudden, Nathan grabbed her by the shoulder with one hand, raised her up and then punched right through her stomach.


"Ugh!" Yasmin's eyes widened as she coughed out a mouthful of blood mixed with the meal she just ate.

It happened so fast and no one was expecting such a reaction from Nathan that it took everyone inside the tent a surprise.

'Ugh... She vomited on my arm. Disgusting. But I'm surprised her defense was this low,' Nathan thought as he pulled out his hand from Yasmin's stomach and dropped her.


She lied down on the floor and was still in shock from the pain.

He whipped his arm to remove her vomit before staring down at her and then said, "Let me make this clear. I'm not asking, I'm ordering you."

She coughed out a mouthful of blood once more. Her face was quickly turning pale.

"I heard that you go outside to search for supplies so I was assuming you were quite strong and --" he shook his head. "It doesn't matter. I hope this will serve as a lesson for you not to question my orders from now on."

"You!" both Ekueme and Patricia said as they got up and pulled out their weapons.

Ida, on the other hand, got up as well but she didn't pull out her weapon.

As for the other diners that knew Yasmin, they too got up and got into a fighting position.

Looking at the brave souls standing against him, Nathan rolled his eyes and said, "Sit down or I'll kill you all."

Truth be told, a part of Nathan really wasn't in the mood to kill because of what happened at Corn Town. However, he was getting tired of wasting so much time from all these talking and waiting.

Ekeume and Patricia didn't take his advice and proceeded to do a citizen's arrest on Nathan.

"Sigh… Isn't it enough that I show you ants a bit of my power? But if that's how you want it, then I have no choice," Nathan said and then activated [Coward's Way].

"What the…?!" said everyone and stopped.

"Where did he go?!"

And right after that…


Nathan appeared and Patricia's head exploded like a watermelon from his punch, bit and pieces of flesh and blood splattered all over the tent.

Ekueme was caught in surprise for a moment before he swung his weapon towards Nathan but missed.

Nathan summoned a pump-action shotgun from his [Artifact] Gold Spatial Finger and aimed it at his face.


His head was blasted away and produced the same effect as Patricia's head.

Seeing Nathan's prowess, some of the diners who didn't want to have any part of the fight immediately ran out of the tent.

Nathan glanced at Yasmin.

She was trying to get up.

He swept his gaze at the brave souls who still decided to stay, including Ida.

"Get lost before I change my mind."

"You! This is murder! You won't get away with this! Get him!" said one of the people.

They all charged towards him except for Ida who was frozen in fear.


Somewhere not very far from Nathan's location.

Sweet Dave was inside a dining hall.

There was a bowl of food in front of him but he only ate 3 bites.

He didn't have any appetite to eat.

There were other people eating with him as well, both young and old from all races.

There were old people, pregnant women, and people who were either amputated or disabled or both.

There were also abled-adults such as Lisa and Nur, and about 75 children.

Regarding the children, they were all orphans that he and his friends along with his late wife rescued. Some of them were orphans even before the zombie apocalypse, while the others lost their parents during the apocalypse.

Sweet Dave stared at the people, specifically at the children, old and disabled people eating their meals.

'This situation can't continue going on. We need to think of a solution and quickly act on it…'

Aside from the threat that the zombies pose and food shortage, they were other things as well such as the weather, water and hygiene.

Regarding the weather, it was already autumn. But the main problem lies when winter comes.

Despite having the System, he wasn't confident if the children, old and disabled people will be able to survive fighting both the cold and hunger.

As for the water and hygiene part, due to the fact water has stopped running for days now and the location of their base wasn't near a body of water, some people haven't taken a bath for days that a few of them started to develop skin rashes. And if this continues, who knows what kind of other forms of diseases they might develop.

With the way things are going on right now, they have no choice but to leave the city and go to rural areas where they will have access to water, plant crops and farm animals. However, traveling in such a large group wasn't an easy task, especially for a group that has many children and disabled people.

Aside from the threat of zombies, there were also humans that like to prey on others.

And yes, ever since they've taken over the base, the leaders were planning to have a meeting about whether to leave the base or not. But it was postponed to focus first on stabilizing things within the base.

However, the explosion happened, killing 4 out of the 5 leaders along with their capable underlings, causing all the progress they made to crumble and social tensions within the remaining members to rise.

And right now, Makeda, the last remaining leader, was doing her best to stabilize things.


They heard the sound of a gunshot from afar.

Sweet Dave and the adults looked at each other.

And after a couple of seconds, it was followed by the cries of people.



Sweet Dave stood up and said, "I'm going to check what's happening."

The other abled adults got up as well as said, "We'll go with you."

"I want to help as well," said a small voice.

Everyone looked at the person with the small voice.

It was the kid who tried to scam Nathan.

Sweet Dave looked at her and smiled, "Zita, I really appreciate you being brave and wanting to help but leave this to us adults. You can stay here to help keep the others safe. Can you do that for me?"

"But I can fight!"

"Zita, now is not the time to be stubborn," said Lisa.

Hearing Lisa who she knew was a bit strict, Zita quickly decided to back down.

"Nur, Lisa, you guys can come with me. The others, stay here and protect the people here."


I haven't properly edited this chapter yet. I'll probably do some edits later.

P.S. What a very unlucky day today. There was a giant spider inside my room. And what's worse, I wasn't able to kill it and now I don't know where is it hiding inside my room. Goddammit! XD

Immortal_Shadescreators' thoughts