
The Drow

Magic slowly flowed into the crystal, causing light to faintly flicker from within. Not bad, but not good enough. With a slow and deep breath, Uriel concentrated harder and held the crystal a bit more firmly in her grasp. Magic streamed into the crystal much faster, allowing the light to shine brighter. Despite the effort, the light continued to flicker like an ember trying to survive.

Uriel grimaced. This time, she held her breath. Her fingers started to push against the crystal's fragile surface. Here magic rushed into the crystal, forcing the light to beam out. A wicked smiled formed around Uriel's mouth, as she noticed the light flicker less.

However, before she could savor the moment, she heard a crack. Before she could do anything, the crystal popped and shattered into several different shards.

"Damn it!" Uriel cussed, as she threw whatever shards she had in her hands. "Why is this so difficult?!"

"This isn't supposed to be easy, my lady," Mycelia sighed.

Uriel turned and found a few Ovoo holding crystals found from the forest. They each used magic to create light inside the crystal. The lights appeared weaker and flickered much more often. Some of the lights even faded away completely.

"Hand me another crystal," Uriel commanded. "I'll try again."

"Perhaps you ought to take break, my lady," Mycelia advised. "This is fourth crystal you shattered. Although we still have plenty, I would like to avoid losing another one for the moment."

"Very well," Uriel crossed her arms with a grumpy expression.

"Don't be dismayed, my lady," Mycelia consoled, placing a hand on Uriel's shoulder. "Controlling your power is difficult, but the exercise has proven that you have a great amount to spare and use."

Uriel gave Mycelia a rather incredulous look. "I opened those giant doors and brought several golems to life with my power," she said. "I don't think this exercise needed to confirm that."

"Ah, of course," Mycelia said. "But do look on the bright side. With more practice, you should be able to learn more difficult spells and magic."

Hearing this softened Uriel's expression. "Is there any magic that will allow me to turn into a dragon?" she asked.

"Of course," Mycelia confirmed. "However, I advise you to learn simpler transformations first. Perhaps something like a crow or a cat would-"

Before Uriel could explain, a commotion began. An Ovoo crier called out to the entire village, announcing the arrival of a mysterious visitor at the entrance. Just like that, most of the Ovoo stopped whatever they were doing and rushed over to simply see this visitor.

Even those currently training their magic stopped and left to the entrance in a hurry. Just as Uriel and Mycelia were about to ask anything, Ragosh reported to them.

"Lady Overlord, there is a stranger who seeks for you," Ragosh reported.

"Who is it?" Uriel asked.

"I do not know, Overlord," Ragosh replied, his eyes then shifting to Mycelia. "However, it bears the appearance similar to that of the Stone Witch."

Uriel and Mycelia looked at each other with surprise. "Another Dark-Elf?" Uriel assumed. "Could it perhaps be Lysander?"

"I highly doubt it," the sorceress replied. "However, if it is a Dark-Elf, then we must meet immediately."

Uriel found no reason to argue. With a simple nod, the two travelled towards the village's entrance, where a crowd of Ovoo had gathered. They looked on at the stranger with both curiosity and caution in their eyes. They whispered closely to one another, but maintained a volume that others could be clearly heard.

Just as Uriel assumed, a Dark-Elf stood waiting at the entrance of the village. He had the same greyish skin and silvery hair. His right eye crimson like blood and the left covered with an eye-patch. He wore a long crimson coat of leather, as well as a white vest underneath. Long red gloves fitted both hands, while shady black boots covered his feet. Judging by his overall appearance, he must have spent quite some time far from civilization.

Before long, his eye caught a glimpse of Uriel. "Ah, finally someone I can understand!" he exclaimed. "Now if I may-."

Suddenly, Mycelia jumped in and released a ball of fire. Her spell would have engulfed the elf in flames, if he had not dodged it in the nick of time.

The Ovoo scattered back in awe and fear at the sight of Mycelia's magic. They quickly retreated a short distance: near enough to observe and hear, but far enough to be safe.

"What are you doing?!" Uriel yelled.

"Be wary, my lady," Mycelia said, as her fingers prepared for another spell. "He is no Dark-Elf of the empire. He is a Drow."

"A Drow?" Uriel repeated.

"Traitors of our people," Mycelia replied. "They are those that have been exiled for horrible crimes that they have committed."

"Ah, a Sightless Sister," the visitor sighed, as he brushed some dust off his sleeve. "How quaint."

"Leave this place, while I still have mercy to spare!" Mycelia hissed.

"We're not in the empire, sorceress," the Drow said. "I neither have to take orders from you, nor do I have to resist hurting you." He drew the two swords from his belt and readied a stance.

"That's perfectly fine with me," Mycelia sneered, as three more balls of fire ignited over her head.

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" Uriel bellowed. She pulled Mycelia away and stood between the two elves. "Mycelia, calm yourself!"


"CALM DOWN," Uriel commanded.

Mycelia glared with a fierce amount of resistance in her eyes. For a moment, she could not look away from the Drow right in front of her. She gritted her teeth, while her fists shook. Every fiber in her body told her to ignore Uriel and just attack. However, better judgment took control. With a frustrated sigh, she lowered her arms and stopped her spell. The balls of fire popped into cinders.

"I'm most pleased you managed to make her see reason," the Drow chuckled. "It's quite difficult to convince these sorceresses to see anything besides their vague goals."

"I suggest you NOT get too comfortable around me," Uriel said, turning her attention to the other elf. "Now, I believe introductions are in order?"

"Why of course," he said, as he sheathed his blades. "I am Jotun Ross, currently the leader of the Blood Crows, a band of Drow of who have fallen into my lap."

"I've heard of you," Mycelia sneered. "You were once captain of the guard, until you and your company abandoned your post and permitted Dwarf raiders to capture it!"

"Mycelia, please…," Uriel hushed.

"No, she is correct." Despite admitting this, Jotun's tone remained relaxed and calm. "I did abandon my post and for it, I became a Drow, an exiled elf."

"Well, at least you're being honest," Uriel groaned with a shrug. "Now tell me, Jotun, what brings a Drow this village of lizards?"

"Sources tell me that the Overlord has returned and is currently in this village," Jotun answered. "If you would be so kind, I would like to meet him."

"You are speaking to HER right now," Uriel smirked, as she pressed her hands on her hips.

"Truly?" Jotun said. He slowly scanned her from head to toe, taking more time around her waist and chest. "I must say, I was not expecting the Overlord to be this appealing to the eyes."

Mycelia sneered, but Uriel simply grunted. "You're not the first one to flatter me," she remarked. "So now that you've met me, what do you want?"

"I have come to inform you that an army of lizards marches towards this village," he explained. "Judging from their pace, they should arrive in about four days."

"What?!" Mycelia exclaimed.

"An army approaches," Jotun repeated. "From how they carry themselves, I highly doubt they're here to offer you their services like us."

"That is fantastic," Uriel groaned sarcastically, as she inspected the village. They may have been training a bit, but Uriel did not view them quite prepared for a big assault. She then turned back to the Drow. "Why are you telling me this? I suppose that you wish for something in exchange?"

Jotun cleared his throat. "Oh great Overlord, I have come to offer my allegiance to you," he replied in a smooth voice. "Allow the Blood Crows to fight under your banner. We will not disappoint you."

"Hah!" Mycelia spat. "Fight under our banner? You are more likely to impale our heads above it!"

"Mycelia, please," Uriel snapped, her patience growing thin. "My associate does bring a valid point, though. Why should I let you and your supposed group fight for me? What's in it for you?"

"Why, the very thought of serving such a powerful and omnipotent person as yourself is reward enough," Jotun answered with a smile. "What else could we possibly-?"

"Drow, you must think me of a fool if you think I'd believe such devotional nonsense," Uriel hissed. "What are you really after?"

Jotun kept the smile, but something changed. His expression grew wider and sharper. A shadow fell upon his face, as if an omen had appeared through him. Uriel had seen this look quite a few times before. Despite having some experience with the expression, she could not stop her heart from tightening with anxiety, constricting the flow of air just for a single second. She did not really know who this Jotun was, but she could tell that he wasn't to be trifled with.

"I should expect no less from the Overlord," he replied with a more condescending tone. "To be quite frank, I honestly do wish to work under your banner, simply for protection."

"Protection?" Uriel repeated. "Sorry to disappoint you, but you will get little protection from me. As you can see, this village is currently the only force that I have under my banner."

"The more you will need us, then," Jotun continued. "For centuries, we have been scouring this insane land, surviving by the skin of our teeth. Despite this, we have ONLY been surviving. However, if we join a power such as yourself, we would do more than just survive. We would thrive!"

"You don't want to serve me," Uriel sneered, as she shook her head. "You want to form a partnership. My power in exchange for your services."

The Drow nodded. "That is correct. The Blood Crows have nowhere to go, but at least with you, we have a lead."

"Well, it would have been a bit more useful, if you had brought more than yourself. If what you say is true, we will need extra arms to aid us."

Jotun chuckled. "My lady, I NEVER travel alone." The elf raised his arms to the side.

"My lady, stay back!" Mycelia cried out. She pulled Uriel away and created a magical shield around them.

A volley of arrows suddenly rained from the trees. The Ovoo villagers scattered about and retreated to their huts, while the warriors took up their weapons and readied to protect themselves. After about three blinks, the volley ended. Arrows covered much of the ground.

"You bastard!" Mycelia sneered, as she prepared a fireball. "You could have killed my lady!"

"Look again, you blind wench," Jotun said, pointing at the ground. All the arrows landed around him. One even just a breadth away from his front toes. Not a single one went anywhere near Uriel or even entered the village.

Uriel gazed at the trees and focused her sight. Although vague, she did notice at least ten figures hiding up in the branches. Their eyes glowing like a crimson moon. They remained hidden like beasts stalking their prey in the shadows.

"Impressive accuracy," Uriel remarked. "Your handful of warriors should indeed provide a sharper edge."

"My lady, we do not need them," Mycelia continued arguing. "With my magic, I can easily destroy that army."

"As powerful as your magic is, I'd rather reserve it for when we most need it," Uriel remarked. "I will consider having these Blood Crows join us."

"Consider?" Jotun muttered, raising a brow. "What's holding back your decision?"

"I request one more thing," Uriel responded, as she drew her sword. "A duel to test your ability."

"My lady?!" Mycelia complained.

A wild smiled appeared on Uriel's face A spark burned in her eyes, full of eagerness to brush the rust off her blades.

"I wish to see if this Drow's survival was truly based on skill, or if it is simply based on fortune."

Jotun smiled back, as he drew out both swords. "Please don't think using two weapons is unfair, my lady," he said. "It is a style that I am most comfortable with."

"By all means, go ahead," Uriel nodded, as she readied her stance.

Mycelia sighed, knowing that she could not convince Uriel to change her mind. Without another word, she took a few steps back until she found herself at a distance outside of their reach.

The two warriors looked at one another for quite a while. Neither blinked nor made the first move. They simply waited and watched for the other. A fair amount of time passed and they remained as still as the oldest trees. Then finally, a small ray of light passed by, signaling the beginning. Jotun made the first move. He dashed forward and unleashed a fury of slashes and attacks.

Uriel raised her sword and defended herself. She parried and blocked every blow, but could not find the chance to counter any of the attacks. After a few slashes, Jotun landed the first blow. He planted his foot against Uriel's stomach and pushed her away. It didn't knock her out, but it did take some of her breath.

"Have I impressed you enough, my overlord?" Jotun asked with a smug look on his face.

Despite being the first to have received a blow, Uriel couldn't help but smile. Finally an opponent worthy to exchange strikes. With her current level, this Jotun proved to be quite a match. No. Perhaps he even surpassed her current level of skill. Uriel quietly told herself that her old body would have met him on equal terms. However, complaining was useless.

Without a doubt, Jotun survived on skill and perhaps a bit of luck. Uriel would have simply accepted his request and let him fight with her. However, there was a small problem. She glanced around and looked at the Ovoo watching the exchange.

If she simply accepted him, they could possibly second guess her skills and even start to refuse taking orders or suggestions from her. There was a time when every warrior needed to show humility and lay down their weapon. Unfortunately, this was not time. Uriel needed to prove that she was still the strongest in their eyes.

Uriel fixed her stance and brushed a bit of dust off her hand. She then raised her sword. "You will have to do better than that," she smirked confidently.

The Ovoo looked on rather impressed and intrigued. They whispered at the possibility of Uriel simply measuring her opponent.

Jotun sighed and shook his head. "My lady, perhaps we can add an extra wager to this challenge?" he suggested.

"What do you propose?" Uriel asked.

"If I win, then perhaps as a bonus I could see just what makes you the Overlord, tonight?" Jotun winked.

At that moment, Mycelia raised both hands over her head and created an enormous sphere of fire. "How about I simply end this battle and turn you and your exiles into cinders?!" she roared.

Uriel immediately felt perspiration all over her face. Even she found herself intimidated by this extraordinary display of power from the Dark-Elf sorceress.

"Mycelia, calm yourself," Uriel commanded, her tone less domineering than earlier. "Trust in my skills as your Overlord."

It took a moment for Mycelia to calm down. Eventually, she extinguished the ball of flame. A part of the village had gotten fried, while some of the water from the clay vases vaporized into steam.

"Very well, I accept!" Uriel said, still holding on to a brave front. "However, if I win, you'll have to obey EVERY command I give you."

"I look forward to it," Jotun said.

At that moment, Jotun rushed forward. He moved and swung his swords with greater speed. The wager encouraged him to do better. Even seasoned warriors would have found themselves struggling against such precise movement. A single delayed reaction spelled disaster for anyone who would cross blades with this Dark-Elf.

Uriel often found herself running low on breath. Parrying and dodging was the most she could do. As much as it hurt her pride, Uriel admitted that she could not rival Jotun's speed. However, as fast as this Dark-Elf proved to be, Uriel could not praise his strength the same way.

Rather than trying to challenge his speed, Uriel chose to wait. A few times, she forced him off balance, providing small opportunities for her to strike back. She may not have been fast as the elf, but she had the stronger arm.

The Ovoo could not look away. It did not matter who had the upper hand. They simply kept watching with awe and shock. They did not watch two warriors duel in a match of skill. No. They saw two monsters viciously attack each other for supremacy.

Soon, Jotun found himself with one sword short. Despite this, he remained on his feet, still able to continue the fight a little longer. Uriel also stood with some energy left in her body. They both took deep breaths, as they glared firmly into each other's eyes.

Eventually, Jotun dropped his remaining sword and raised both arms in the air. "I surrender," he said. "You've bested me and I shall be your so ever loyal dog."

Uriel frowned and sheathed her sword. "Call your band and have them rest in the village," she said. "I will be working each one of you to the bone later."

"As you wish," Jotun smiled with a bow. He signaled the others to leave their spot. A small band of Dark-Elves climbed down the threes and approached their leader.

Uriel turned back and examined the villagers. They each looked at her with impressed and amazed expressions. Some even showed inspired faces, eager to continue working under her. Even the elders began to rethink their opinion of her. Despite this, Uriel could not truly smile.

"Thank goodness," Mycelia sighed. "I am glad you put that dog in his place."

"I suppose," Uriel grunted in a low voice.

She turned her attention back to Jotun. She glared like a vengeful snake. The Dark-Elf appeared rather composed and relaxed. Although he did show some degree of exhaustion, he did not need to gasp for air as much as she did. Uriel did not win this duel. No. Jotun simply surrendered so that she would not lose face to the lizards.

Although the move proved greatly beneficial to her, Uriel could not help but shake her fists and scowl. The feeling ate her up, creating a degree of bitterness. That day, her pride as a warrior had just been trampled upon.

And here's the next chapter! Feel free to leave any kind of comment!

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