
The One Above All

"We will take our leave as well, Lady Death." Said the aspect of Labor who soon disappeared in a flash of bright light. He was the first to have caught on to Karma and Lady Death having some important matters to discuss, a conclusion the others reached soon after in gradual order, prompting them to follow suit and leave after exchanging a few words of courtesy.

Within a minute from Sacrifice's departure, Daniel and the aspect of Death had been left alone to stand on the drifting asteroid, which continued in its path undisturbed, albeit in a much less lively way.

"Is what he said true?" Death's dark voice resounded within Daniel's mind, bouncing around like a never ending echo. None of the courtesy or favor she had shown him remained, and were instead replaced by a seriousness that made his skin crawl. In Daniel's mind, ending this meetup between aspects of existence in a deadly clash with Death herself had become a very real possibility.
