
I Am Not the Strongest

Cynna's words caught the young girl by surprise. After all, the implication of being the one in charge of choosing her opponent's weapon, was that regardless of which one she picked, she would still lose. While not as unruly as her brother, she was still an extremely talented and prideful individual, so when she was deemed not worthy of her opponent's concentration, she felt her blood start to boil.

As a result of being underestimated, numerous images depicting all the ways in which she would have humiliated her opponent started to form in her mind. Images where she would win by using her bare hands against Cynna's favourite weapon, where she would prevail while on equal terms, and so on. Her angered state of mind, however, forced her to take the petty route, and instead of picking a fairly common weapon like her own, she turned towards the area where the maces were stored, and after pointing her finger at one, she said, "That one."
