
Tai's Plans

"What's left to discuss?" Ed asked in confusion. After all, there was only so much that could be done in a couple days, and he was just a single outsider.

Tai's face grew slightly dark as he sighed. "I was unable to extract my forces from the Purple Origin Sect." He looked Ed in the eyes. "You must understand that those are the elites of our sect. While some of the elites were here or traveling, the vast majority of them are still within the Purple Origin Sect. If what the other sects said is true, then they are all as good as dead once Sect Leader Fang activates the ancient formation."

"I see." Ed frowned while crossing his arms. "In other words, this will weaken the overall strength of the Fire Dragon Sect. Even if the war is won, your sect will likely fall to being one of the weakest members of the Seven Sect Alliance. There will be nothing preventing them from stabbing you in the back."
