
Recalling the Unbearable Past Events

Little did Yue Zigang think that this fat woman would be the same as her exterior—a swine-like figure and also a pig-like brain. It was true that these people were detestable, but this fat woman was literally an abomination. She had such a powerful husband, yet she even squandered money to seduce him. Wasn’t this akin to inviting a calamity for him?

“MAKE WAY!” He quickly toward the fat woman and forcefully pushed her aside.

The fat woman stared in disbelief. She never expected that Yue Zigang would act like this. Shouldn’t they both stand on the same front at this time?

“Yue Zigang! Are you out of your mind? They are bullying me, yet you unexpectedly helped them even though you live off me?” After the fat woman reacted, she grabbed Yue Zigang’s arm and her fat body blocked the doorway, unyieldingly blocking him from leaving.

“FUCK OFF, YOU IDIOT!” Angrily yelled Yue Zigang.
