
Chapter 33 - The Valentine Brothers' Attack

As the meeting is underway, outside the mansion two men are walking torward the gate of the estate.

"Then the one dude, who has the horns asks his friend who's a doctor to put a glass plate in his head. And the fucker does it! He has a fucking window in his forehead! You can see his brain and shit!" The man with blue clothing and dark skin laughs madly.

"Shut up, Jan! You always get chatty before a job. Can't we just go with quiet and cool for once?" The man in white clothes and long blond hair says with annoyance.

"Then how about I tell you about the time this hooker OD'd on heroin while blowing me?"

"I really don't like discussing my girlfriend with you!" The white clothes man yells.

" I mean I still finished, but what kind of shit is that!?"

"For god's sakes Jan, think of mother."

"I ain't jerking off right now."

"Just stick to the plan and everything will be fine. His plans are moving quickly and we are but cogs in his great machine." The man in white says sighs before stating with reverence.

As they finish the soldiers at the gate come up to them and speak.

"Sorry gentleman, this is private property. Please leave."

"I'm sorry, we're on a sight-seeing tour of old English estates." The man with blond hair replies.

"Wait, so you're saying this mansion isn't open to the public?"

"No! Please leave immediately." The soldier says sternly.

"Fine. You don't have to tell us twice." Jan says as they both turn to leave.

A second later the soldier hears a snap and sees the man in blue smiling creepily at him.

"Control, we have two una..." before the man finishes he gets shot to hell and falls backwards.

"What the hell!?" The other soldier cries out as he turns to the bus that is about 100 yards away from them.

Just as he is about to shoot at the two men, the man snaps again and a rocket launcher shoots at his position.

'Fuck me' was the soldier's last thought before he and the gate exploded into tiny pieces.

"Well, that was boring." The man in white sighs.

"I know, right?" Jan snaps his fingers again and the bus behind him has its doors thrown off. Right after, multiple figures dressed as soldiers walk out of the bus in an ordered way.

"If they weren't so slow and groaning all the time, you would think they would be normal soldiers." The man says while looking at the spectacle.

"Alright you maggots! The objective of this mission is to kill Alucard and the members of the Round-Table! You know the rules, you make the kill you get the spill. Now move out!" Jan takes out two machine guns from nowhere and laughs hysterically.

Right after Walter leaves Seras in the hallway, she is just standing there bored out of her mind. She looks at the ten packs of blood in her inventory and sighs in relief at the fact that she can power up if things go wrong.

She starts to tap her foot in frustration and the floor shakes a little despite the very small amount of force she is using. she eventually notices it as the potted plant next to her moves across the side table and falls off. She catches it just in time and places it back on the table.

'Phew! I'm glad I have vampire hearing and fast reflexes. who knows what Integra would have done to me if something broke because of me. Anyway, I should probably get changed now' she thinks as she takes her new guns and walks to the room opposite of the Council Room.

A few minutes later Seras comes out of the room in her Hellsing uniform and her guns in holsters at her side.

'It should be any minute now. Then the start of my plan will begin.' Seras thinks to herself as she smiles widely in delight.

A few seconds later she hears an explosion. But just stands there until Integra yells for her.

"Seras! Get in here!"

"Yes sir!" She replies as she walks into the meeting room.

As she walks in, she sees that practically all of these 'Knights' have scared expressions and look to be pissing themselves.

'What a bunch of weak minded men, if I didn't see Sir Penwood's last moments, I would think the same.' She sighs as she walks closer to Integra.

As she walks to her, she bows her head awaiting orders.

"It seems your bad feeling came true, Seras." Integra sighs as smoke is exhaled out of her mouth.

"Yes sir, I'm sorry that it did." Seras says sadly.

"No, how were we supposed to know this would happen?" Integra inquires.

Just as she is about to answer sarcastically, sir Penwood yells in fear and regret.

"What are you doing talking to that woman sir Integra!? She is just a secretary, she can't help out."

"That's enough! Sir Penwood! Since she is wearing the attire of the Hellsing soldiers, I'm guessing she is not just a normal secretary. Isn't that right, Sir Integra?" Sir Hugh, who is calm, asks with a confident tone after yelling at sir Penwood.

"That's correct, Seras is one of my very best soldiers. As a bodyguard, she can even replace Walter without much trouble." Integra says mysteriously.

"Really?" Sir Hugh asks with much doubt in his tone.

Integra ignores the question as she inputs a number on the phone that is placed in front of her.

"Front desk report."

"Oh hey, yeah. hold on, just give me a second." The man who answers stops mid-chew and gets up from the chair.

Integra and seras hear the man say whoa in an unhurried tone before walking back.

"Oh yeah it's ghouls. Definitely, definitely ghou- oh my god!" The man speak without interest before screaming and the line goes dead.

"My god!"


"Sir Integra, do something" Sir Penwood yells in freight.

"Be quiet, sir Penwood! I'm assuming you have an evacuation plan for something like this? Correct? Sir Integra." Sir Hugh asks.

"There is a helicopter on the helipad fueled and ready to go."

"Our evacuation is first priority!" One of the member says while trembling.

"We must secure a route to the heliport!" another replies.

As soon a they get done talking, an explosion happens that can be felt from above the room.

"What was that!?" Sir Penwood asks.

"That was probably the escape chopper exploding." Integra says while still calmly smoking her cigar.

"Now as I was saying , let me just contact communications and get an update." she continues while pressing a single button which glows green to signify it's on.

She reaches them and speaks once more.

"Communications come in, we need a full report." her sentence is interrupted by hysterical sobbing.

"Read the fucking paper." An annoying voice in the background says which she assumes is to the sobbing man.

'This is going to be fucking hilarious.' Seras thinks to herself as she remembers one of her favorite scenes in the abridged series.

"s-sir in-integra..." The sobbing man whimpers out.

"Read it fucking right, Cockhole!" The voice yells and a slap sounds out.

"Y-yes sur" the man sobs again.

"You fat english whore?" he continues soon after with a clearer voice.

"That's more like it, now keep going." The annoying voice states.

"Me and my big brother Luke, are killing all of your men and turning them into ghouls. So...I hope....you made peace with yourself cause when I find you I'm gonna....oh god." The crying man says the last two words in disgust.

"Keep reading or i shoot the other testicle." Jan says while his gun sounds out.

"Cause when I find you, I'm gonna fuck every hole you got! and then I'm gonna just keep making more holes to fuck until there's nothing left but your ruined corpse full of blood and semen." the crying man states loudly before continuing like he did earlier.

"Oh god, this is horrible!" he says while he sounds like he is almost throwing up.

"You ain't finished yet."

"So prepare your dried up pussy, for my huge vampire cock! now pardon me while i blow this faggot ginger's brains out- OH GOD NO!" A shot sounds out with splatter from what they assume is his brain.

"HAHAHAH his fucking face man, haha fuck! oh now that shit is priceless!" Jan laughs hysterically before hanging up.

Seras was turned around and starts trembling for what the round table can only assume is fear. If they saw her face though, they would be scared as it looks like she is trying to suppress laughter.

'Oh my god, that was so much better than the abridged episode. I mean it had the same content but the sounds made it better since it's an actual person. I have to stop laughing or Integra might find out.' she tries to make herself frown and succeeds after a few tries.

Seras tries hard, but every now and then, her lips would twitch upward.

Integra inputs another series of numbers and reaches Walter in the sub-basement.

"What's the situation, Walter?"

"Ma'am, I've been informed that the entire first floor has already been taken and the second floor is being attacked as we speak. Since Seras is up there with you and I'm down here with Alucard, I propose we split up and attack them from both sides."

As he said the name Alucard, many of the Knights flinched and show fear on their faces.

'What a bunch of sniveling cowards. Just the mention of my masters name and they're already showing fear.' She sighs while thinking that.

"Alucard can take care of himself, I'm going to come up there and help Seras deal with this riffraff!"

"How will you manage to get up here, the entire estate is infested with ghouls!"

"How did you manage to get to Alucard all those years ago?"

"The air ducts!" Integra says in realization while looking upward.

After a few seconds Integra continues.

"Walter? Are we done for?"

"Nonsense! Compared to what Van Hellsing dealt with a century ago, this can't even be considered a problem." Walter says proudly.

"Walter, these things are eating my people! I don't want any of them to leave the grounds alive! Is that understood!?" Integra slams he first on the table.

"By your orders, sir Integra!" Walter says as zipping sounds comes out From his body.

After the end of the call, Seras speaks to Integra.

"Sir Integra?"


"Those chips you found on some of the vampires, were they all in the same place?"

"Hmm? Yes they were all found on the back of their neck. Embedded in the muscles beneath the skin. Why?"

"And it sends information to someone through the hosts senses?"

"Yes? Again, why do you ask" she gets angry.

"I'm sorry sir, one last question. Of the vampires I defeated, did any of them have the chips inside of them?"

"No! Why do you keep.....Ah!" Integra gets angry before realizing what Seras means.

"Yes, it seems that whoever is doing this doesn't know about me yet. I'm thinking of keeping it this way." Seras says with a smile.

"That's a great idea Seras. Information has always been the most important thing in war. How are you going to fight without them seeing you?"

"That should be easy, sir Integra. They don't know about me so a surprise attack is the best option. As soon as he gets to this floor, I'll then grab the back of his neck and rip It clean off before he can even look at me." Seras says with a very cute smile which sends shivers down the backs of all the Knights, even sir Hugh.

"If it's you Seras, I think it can be done." Integra sighs before showing a stone cold face.

"Seras! Heed my orders!" She yells as she clenches her firsts on the table.

"Sir!" She says as she gets in her left knee and bows her head awaiting orders.

"These monsters are eating my men, turning them into ghouls, and finally have dared to look down on me. KILL THEM ALL! I want you to make them regret even thinking of setting foot in my home!"

"Yes. Sir Integra." Seras says while she lifts up her head and shows a very evil smile.

After that she gets up and continues.

"I'm going to be leaving sir Integra. When I do, please have these men build a blockade at the door." She gently smiles and then continues while looking at the men.

"If I find out that sir Integra helped you so called men with the blockade, I promise you won't have a fun time after this." She scowls before leaving the room.

'I can't wait to test out the guns Walter made for me. They must be something special if he created them.' Seras thinks to herself while closing the massive wood doors behind her.

After she leaves the Knights all show an angry expression except sir Hugh and sir Penwood.

"Who does she think she is? She works for Hellsing, which means she works for us." One of the men says in anger.

"Yeah, she is very disrespectful."

"I say after this situation, we fire her."

"I agree."

"SHUT UP!!" Sir Hugh yells loudly enough to make the men tremble.

"You bunch of fools! A little girl is going out there to fight an army of ghouls, led by a sadistic vampire and all you do is complain on how she speaks to you!?" He yells angrily.

They all tremble before realizing it themselves and start walking around the room to get heavy objects.

'Wow, I didn't think sir Hugh was so fierce.' Integra thinks to herself as they start blocking the door.

"I'm sorry about that outburst, sir Integra. Why did you send Seras out without Walter? Is she capable enough to handle herself in this situation?" He inquiries with a glare.

"Don't worry, sir Hugh! Seras is strong enough to handle something like this." Integra smiles mysteriously.

Meanwhile in Alucard's room Walter just left after handing Alucard his new gun and the Tv set he was promised. He looks at the door which was just closed and takes out a DVD he was hiding in his shadows. The title reads Dracula and has the same picture as the poster from the movie theater when he went with seras.

He puts the dvd in the player and pushes the buttons on the remote and the movie begins to play.

"It cant be as bad as the picture, after all this is about me. Hopefully they did me justice. If they didnt, ill just have to pay them a little visit." he begins the statement with hope before his eyes turn icy and states with a playful smile.

I don’t own Hellsing or any of its characters. I just like to think of what could have been different. Here are my thoughts.

The app on my phone has been acting up all day, It won't let me log-in. I don't know if anyone else has been having this problem. So if there are any typo's forgive me, as I had to use the Computer software which doesn't have auto correct.

I hope it gets fixed soon because I hate posting my chapters without some serious editing.

crazy1324creators' thoughts