

The Mad Doctor was completely flummoxed.

Who the hell could have this kind of power, to be able to deploy such a formation so discreetly that he hadn't been able to detect it before he had entered, like a lion being trapped by a hunter using a goat as bait?

He doubted that it was the Heroes of the continent, because if they wanted to step in, they would have done so earlier, before he had tortured the King of Lanthanor so much that it was doubtful whether he would even survive.

Was it possible that whoever they had been holding back from interfering in this whole thing had broken free?

Even then, they would have come forward directly, instead of plotting something like this. Clearly, this had all been set up beforehand, and no matter how much the Mad Doctor thought about it, he didn't even consider the possibility that the one behind it could be the man whom he had been torturing all this while.
