

An hour earlier, before the shocking news spread across Angaria.

The Head was quietly sitting in his abode in the sky, from where he kept an eye on Angaria and its borders, as was his duty.

This was a location where one could always find him, as at least a clone of his was definitely supposed to be here so that they wouldn't be caught unaware in case something happened.

He monitored each and every formation that protected the Continent, one by one, all while making sure that the core tenet regarding the Central Continent was maintained.

The latter was actually something that didn't need his attention much, usually, but recently, with Lanthanor uniting with the Kingdom of Eldinor, he had had to actively look into it and make sure that the ancient rule was maintained.

True, at least 3 forces were supposed to be present. But why not let more remain so that there would be no risk of less than 3 forming in the first place?
