

"I have to fill this world with my desires… what I am envious of…" Dorian blinked as he looked around.

"Well, that's rather vague and unhelpful." He threw his hands up in the air, but got no response.

He concentrated for a moment before sighing.

'Can't use any Laws or Abilities from my Soul Spell Matrix.' The last challenge apparently wanted him to purely rely upon himself.

He looked out at the blank canvas of reality in front of him.

And then willed it to change.


Nothing happened.

He sighed.

"Why can't you just tell me how all this works in clear terms? No need to be so mysterious." He walked over to the edge of the island he was standing on, leaning off the edge slightly to look down.

Beneath him appeared a seemingly endless void of whiteness. He could see no bottom or ground beneath him, only stark whiteness.

'It kind of reminds me when I was trapped in my Soul Spell Matrix, with time operating weirdly around me.' He muttered, rubbing his chin.

