
Value of King-Grade Techniques

Nodding as calmly as ever, the man replied, 'Yes. Though, not ideal, it still wouldn't be the worst-case scenario, Treeda, Ania. The worst-case scenario would be if the quadrant ignored decorum to annihilate a lowly territory, like yours. And even if they dared attempt that, I would interfere personally, no matter how much it would change my plans. But such is the promise I made to Oli, to protect you, the clan, and those that Oli cares about.

'However, despite that, Bradok is as free-willed as you'd believe, Ania. He's determined to help however he can. Right, Treeda?'

Again, Ania was left out of the loop, blinking in confusion.

'Yeah…' Treeda begrudgingly kicked up some dust in frustration. 'Ania, do you know how an alliance ceremony is held?'

'No, I don't.'

'There are any strict guidelines to follow in terms of ceremony, so long as each clan involved offers something to their new partners.'

'... No. NO!'
