
Hidden Floors

"Xiaodan!" Chuan Nayi's voice came through, but she quickly reined in her excitement and relief. "Listen, don't say anything. Don't worry about me, this is probably one of the safest places in the facility. Listen, if I can see you from the camera, they can, too. You need to get out of there."

"…I don't know where to go next." Liu Xiaodan still spoke but in a rather gentle voice. As if knowing that tilting his head a little would hide his mouth from the camera, he didn't care if he shouldn't be on the line longer. "Nayi, tell me where you are. I will come and get you."

"Like I said, this is a safe place. They're probably tapping into this line now. Ruan Jin is in the Rooms Hall, but they're undisturbed there. Listen, those people will kill you when they see you. I can only do so much, Xiaodan."
