
I Can Get Him Out

The heart machine ticked loudly, and even Chuan Nayi was annoyed by the sound. She wasn't fond of hospitals and the noises that came with it. She was scared of it; more now that she was on a bed herself.

Her lower half refused to move as the fall damaged a part of her lower spine. It wasn't that critical, but she was still rendered paralyzed for a few days. The nurses had only left her for a few minutes when the door opened again.

Chuan Nayi's eyes narrowed in curiosity. She was visited by a woman that had no relations with her, but recalling that she was Li Feng's cousin, she felt a little uncomfortable instead. She hummed before asking, "Li Yunru, hello. Why are you here?"

The pretty woman propped the Daffodils she bought on the vase in the nightstand next to Nayi, throwing out whatever was there first. What made Chuan Nayi suspicious was that Li Yunru didn't even look at her and was happily humming as she fixed the flowers.

The cousin dropped a few blubs in the water before putting the flowers in it. She then placed a yellow paper under the vase before nodding at her set-up.

After all those, she finally turned to the woman in her bed. "Never let anyone make off with anything about this flower arrangement. You will die."

Li Yunru plastered a smile on her lips before vanishing it. She then sat down on the bed, connecting her gaze with the injured woman's. "Chuan Nayi, do you know how Jiang Hou died?"

"I have nothing to do with his death. I'm not a murderer..." The woman in bed used both hands to cover her face. She wanted to cry, but she had already exhausted her eyes.

Women could have been made of water, but she had no more tears to shed. She nearly died in that mall; she was assaulted by a ghost in a public place and in broad daylight. "Why did all of these have to happen?"

"...What about Liu Xiaodan? Do you?"

"Xiaodan? Do I... what? What do you mean by that?" Chuan Nayi's eyes abruptly widened as she flung to the girl next to her. Li Yunru then pulled out her phone and presented a video clip of flash news to her.

It started with the reporter frantically speaking from the cordoned crash site. She was so distraught as she didn't even seem to be ready to do the report.

She spoke about being in the area for her noontime traffic report when a police car suddenly sped through the red light after staying in front of the line for a few seconds. What crashed into the car was a utility van which seemed to lose its brakes. The police car spun and flipped along the adjacent path in the intersection.

"It happened so fast! We were just standing meters away from the accident site." The reporter was trying to calm down. "The police confirmed that the mobile had a passenger, both sent to the hospital minutes after the crash. The driver of the van saw the mobile advance, but he couldn't get the brakes to work since the gas pedal felt stuck.

"Both victims were said to be in a critical condition, with the passenger left with broken arms."

The news continued with photos of the two victims: one photo was of a police officer while the other had a black dash across his face. Chuan Nayi's eyes widened as she recognized Officer Bai... and even Liu Xiaodan's silhouette.

"The passenger, or who we know as Liu Xiaodan, was cuffed to the car. They didn't divulge his face, thinking that he was a not-convicted felon to be taken to the precinct." Li Yunru took her phone back. He was also in his house clothes with no shoes, making their conjecture stronger.

She pocketed the phone she locked. "The car wasn't wrecked too much, but both victims were twisted in their seats. It was too strange even for the coroner."

"No, no..." Chuan Nayi began to tear up, thinking that she caused the malevolent spirit's anger. Then, she realized that the child was calling someone else as his 'Baba'. Could it be Liu Xiaodan? Was that why he wasn't wearing his bracelet? Did the child threaten him as well... resulting in this accident?

Li Yunru wasn't alienated by the woman's grave expression. She could imagine what Li Feng and Liu Xiaodan could be talking about.

After just one encounter, her cousin—who was a strong constitution against the malevolent spirits—cried every time he had to face the ghost child that came with Liu Xiaodan. For the child to retaliate against Liu Xiaodan after hurting Chuan Nayi was completely within her thoughts.

The ghost child held little value towards humans. It was so easy for him to kill off his benefactors on a whim.

However, she didn't know why the child would kill Jiang Hou in the first place... and the style didn't match his. To be honest, no one even knew how Jiang Hou even appeared in that room in the first place. The ghost child would kill in the place where his target was; how come Jiang Hou got to Li Feng?

"This is all my fault... Xiaodan... Xiaodan..." Chuan Nayi continued to cry dryly as her tear ducts squeezed to find water to spill. She sobbed at her hands, notwithstanding the pain coming from her lower part.

"Chuan Nayi, what do you know of that mogui...?" Li Yunru had to do what she came for; however, she didn't know if she would be able to get an answer from the grieving mother. She could only wait for her to answer.

"I... he... he kept on calling me 'Mama'. He said his name was Xiao Guangru. He had a 'Baba', but I don't know who it was. He kept on behaving like a real kid, but..." Chuan Nayi grumbled as she tried to calm down. If that kid was responsible for Liu Xiaodan's death, then he must be extinguished.

No matter what would happen to her.

"He could make himself visible. He wanted to buy a black horse toy because he lost the first one given to him by his 'Baba'. He could affect other ghosts... he killed Huang Kun..."

If anything, the only new thing she discovered was that the ghost child was trying to be a real child. Calling people his parents while asking for toys... not an unusual stance for ghost children. However, he seemed to be extremely feared even by other ghosts, based on what she gathered when asking other entities in the dorms.

Xiao Guangru, the newcomer.

Before Li Yunru could open her mouth again, the door swung open. A beautiful young-looking woman gasped as she saw Chuan Nayi on the bed, with her legs fixed in their places. Even a nurse came with her.

The woman ignored Li Yunru before sitting down on the other edge of the bed, "My God, Nayi! W-What happened to you?! You... you got in trouble with... something... didn't you?" The woman bit her lip as she recalled everything mentioned to her by the nurses.

Chuan Nayi was only quiet as she watched the woman grow ghastly pale. It was the first time that her seemingly unloving mother reacted that way towards her. Of course, Jiang Yanyu might not be showy with her love for her daughter.

However, Chuan Nayi was still her daughter. She wasn't a blockhead to forget that and hold no emotion towards her.

The student only sniffed and opened her arms wide, asking to be embraced by her mother. The mother obliged, and so Li Yunru found it was time to leave. She also saw the nurse who had her clipboard with her. It seemed that it would take another while before she could talk to Chuan Nayi again.

She got up and vanished into the hallway.

With Li Feng still in detention and her leads growing cold, Li Yunru only sat on the bench in the lobby of the third floor. A cold can of coffee was on her hand, but it seemed that she didn't plan on drinking it. Her fingers grew slippery due to the moisture, and the can fell from her hand.

The clang woke her up before her eyes got pulled to the direction the can was taking. It was headed for the stairs leading down, but it was caught by the girl standing on the edge.

Li Yunru was tired so when someone caught her drink, she could only smile and voice a 'thank you'. The girl smiled back and walked towards her quietly... so quiet as if she wasn't taking any steps.

The stinging silence and the warning in her heart shook the lady awake. Her eyes flickered to get the image clearer, but the girl remained to be blurred. Soon, she was close enough to stand before Li Yunru.

Her arms extended out to present the can to the lady. "Here, you dropped this." The blurry girl widened her smile.

The woman froze in her seat, her arms refusing to take the can and her legs, to run for it. Li Yunru had seen a lot of things, and it was the first time she had seen something so concrete and faint at the same time.

Her eyes grew misty as she looked into the girl's broken eyes. It was a ghost; she was facing a ghost.

"Lingling! Where'd you go?!"

"Dude, stop that. You're freaking us out."

Voices of males came from the stairs as if they were heading towards her. Li Yunru had to warn them not to get closer, but the blurred girl dropped the cold can on Li Yunru's lap.

The cold and pain were like freezing water that splashed Li Yunru awake. Her limbs were no longer frozen as she moved to get the can off of her.

Before she could say anything, the three boys arrived at the lobby... and the ghost girl went towards one of them. She clung behind one that was walking ahead of the others. The world was all too small since Li Yunru ran into her schoolmates again.

However, when she thought about it, they were Liu Xiaodan's friends. Of course, they would visit Chuan Nayi.

Ruan Jin stared at the girl, recognizing her as Li Feng's beautiful cousin. Finding her here on Chuan Nayi's floor was suspicious of her, and he had enough of those cousins lurking around their friend. He went to confront Li Yunru. "Li Yunru, right? Tell me you're not here for Chuan Nayi."

"Aren't you supposed to be here for Liu Xiaodan instead?" Li Yunru tucked some hair behind her ear, her mischievous grin fooling everyone not to see her exhaustion. However, they had seen it before she channeled her inner bitch.

"Yeah, but he's still in the ER. We can't see him yet." Ruan Jin grew gloomy for a second before glancing at the direction of Chuan Nayi's room. "We just figured we should see Chuan Nayi in case Xiaodan asked for her first thing later."

"ER? Still in ER?" Li Yunru jumped from her seat and grabbed Ruan Jin's collar. "Liu Xiaodan's alive?!"

"Of course, he's alive! We're going to kill him if he dies all of a sudden!" Ruan Jin grabbed her wrists to take her off, but he froze as he saw glittering tears running down Li Yunru's face.

"Ha, he's alive... Liu Xiaodan's alive..." Li Yunru fell to her knees, still supported by Ruan Jin. "Li Feng's safe... Li Feng can make it out... ah, I can still get him out..."

Enjoy a few chapters for the week... probs until the end of September.

droopyghostcreators' thoughts