
chapter 12

"Okay, fantastic- one had chosen the wisest choice of them all, unfortunately, how about the rest of you? I hope one of you pick the painful option in the end though, my skills in "interrogation" has been somewhat rusty… I need some practices." Leonard coated the threat in a layer of sweet wording for the group of militant who was being crushed by the pressure he exerted.

The moment the group of militant heard those words, they began to sweat bullets as they saw the smiling expression plastered all over Leonard face, the smile was innocent and pure- however, his hand gesture said otherwise, they were itching to dish out some pain.

"We...also surrender." he spat out those words through great effort as the pressure that was on their head increased by two-fold after the first man choose the option to give in.

The moment the captain spat those words out- the pressure that was crushing on their entire group ceased and disappear.

"Fuck… you all seem to know what's good for you after all…alright, tell me- why the hell did you fucking shot that bullet for my head?" Leonard began his questioning at them.

"You want the truth or sugar coated watered down generic version?" the captain asked him.

"Give me the sugar coated version first, I want to hear that interesting idea that you had for trying to blow my head to pieces," he asked the captain with that innocent smile on his face.

"We fear that you're an unstable element in our plans-" before he could finish those words, a fist had already landed on his face and knocked out a few teeth.

"Captain!" "Boss!" "what the hell?! Why did you hit him!" the militants screamed upon seeing the man they respected got a tooth or two knocked out.

"Fuck! I didn't even do anything to you fucking idiot yet! Yet you fucking ordered my EXECUTION in the most painful way possible?!" he raged at the captain.

*cough *cough *COUGH!

The man who got punched coughed out a mouthful of blood as he looked at Leonard with fury in his eyes.

"What the fuck?! Didn't you say you wouldn't harm us any further?!" the sniper of the group roared at Leonard.

"Oh? Did I say that? Well fuck that now, I changed my mind- what the fuck can you do about it? Huh? Tell me?" he sneered as he kicked the captain in the gut- lightly.

They were all speechless, that was indeed the truth, they cannot do anything to Leonard- the moment they made any suspicious action- they will have their head pulverized or worse.

Leonard then turned his attention to the helpless militant and they too- suffered from his abuse, the one who struggled and resist the beating suffered the most out of the bunch.

"Ahhh!!! No more no more!" a man begged.

"No please! Anything BUT that!" *egg cracking sound "owwuuuhhhhhh~!" he passed out after "moaning" in pure agony.

Finally- Leonard shifted his gaze toward the man who was responsible for sending that sniper bullet which intended to execute him.

"Alright… your turn…" he cracked his knuckles while replacing the innocent smile with a sadistic grin as he advanced slowly toward the man- who now tried to rush for his sniper rifle that was placed near the railing of the bell tower.

"Oh no no no, such a bad move." before the man could grab his rifle, something wrapped around his ankle and pulled him back- which made him, who was running tripped and fell over on his face onto the concrete floor and breaking his nose.

When he looked over at what was pulling his leg- he freaked out, the thing that was pulling his ankle was a single shadowy tentacle, one similar to that of octopus wrapping around his limb.

Leonard smiles as he walked toward the man- who was shivering on the ground due to fear.

The sniper of the militant was prepared for the worse to happen.

He had accepted his fate- rather, he doesn't have a choice in that matter, he closed his eyes with a wide smile on his face, waiting for the pain to come- however it did not come as the footstep walked passed him.

"Cool sniper…" Leonard commented on the weapon as he picked it up with both of his hand.

"Quite heavy too, I swear- you need at least two people to carry this thing…" he added before storing the entire weapon into his inventory.

After Leonard finished storing the weapon into his inventory, he began to carry the "body" of the militant who is still groaning into a pile and pulling out a few red vials and poured a few drops of the liquid content into each and every one of their mouths and watched the miracle happened.

Their wound began to heal at a rapid pace that could seem with the human naked eyes.

Leonard decided not to waste the healing liquid on the sniper because, first- this fucker almost took his head off and second, it's only a broken nose, he'll live.

"Alright, time to move on to the next session, you're all going to tell me everything about yourselves and where the hell you came from in the next fifteen minutes, else- there WILL DEFINITELY be another MAN to MAN conversations between us." Leonard crouched down and grabbed the captain by the collar and pulled the man closer to his face as he threatened them.

The leader of the militant group who was still somewhat in a daze quickly snapped back to reality as he saw Leonard malicious smile directing at him at point blank.

After roughly fifteen minutes has passed, Leonard had already understanded what the hell was really going- mostly about the minor details about this group of militant and the people that backed them, whom they called the "Central Government".

To sum it up, the "Central Government" is a remnant from the day of old that managed to survive after the destruction of the world in the flame of Nuclear annihilation, how they survive you might asked? Before shit went down, rich and powerful who held political power evacuated from society and went into hiding and let doomsday naturally occurred - when the dust finally settled, they came out from their hiding and "rebuilt" civilization, they had a much easier time speeding up that objective because when they went into hiding, they brought with them the treasure trove of humanity itself, knowledge- including the greatest minds that existed, forbidden researches on medicals and other technological advancement.

The moment the door to their shelter opened, they quickly mobilized and began annexing the surrounding settlement and brought it under their control and set up an Oligarchy type of government with the heads of businesses, politicians and other who held power and ruled with an iron fist.

"One more question...what's the current power estimation of the central Government?" he asked them one last question, since these top one percent managed to thrived within the radioactive wasteland filled to the brim with mutated creatures who was once again, further mutated due to the intense dose of radiation they received from the "bombs", the moment they stepped out of the greenhouse, no doubt they're powerful- but Leonard does not know how powerful they are.

"That sniper...the one that shot you, was manufactured by the Central Government." the sniper who had his nose broken previously spoke up while still wiping the blood that was dripping down from his nose- obviously having problem controlling the flow as his hand was soaked with blood.

Leonard seeing this, he let out a long sigh before forcing the man mouth open without much resistances and dripped a drop of healing liquid down his throat and a drip into his nose as a precaution in case it healed wrongly.

"What the hell?!" the man choke on the thick healing liquid that was forced down his throat and inside of his nose as he roared angrily at Leonard for such injustice.

"Shut up and don't let those liquid gone to waste, those things are precious you know, I haven't made much of it as of lately due to not having the time- a single drop could heal any physical injuries at the fastest speed possible, think of it as the "elixir" of life." he made the sniper reminded of the scene where the beating "wound" that his comrade had received from this youth before his eyes healed in a flash before him.

They were indeed very astonished by it affect, however, no one had voiced out any question yet as they feared the beating they received next would be much worse.

In the end, they were very curious about the identity of this person.
