
chapter 25

When the next day arrived, everyone was in the dining hall, enjoying a light breakfast before starting their day of hard work (i.e shifting through a literal mountain of paperwork for Mavis and Ryan, while Luminous went out into the settlement for her daily patrol work.)

However, right now the mood around the table was anything- but light, it was cold silent.

Mavis did not say anything, other than having the smug face on her every time she glanced over at Leonard and Ryan, who was sitting close to one another and also to that of Sachi as well, who joined the two of them.

"Soooo~ how was it…?" Mavis broke the silent atmosphere around the breakfast table.

"How was what?" Leonard feign ignorance on Mavis question.

"I'm talking about last thing... I mean...you two were …*ahem...loud." Mavis then reminded the two of them on the previous night while having a slight blush on her cheek, she hid it by taking up a cup of tea and sipping it, making sure the cup covered most of her face.

"You should already know about it then, base on the noise that we made - ouch!" Leonard was about to continue further on with the topic of him and Ryan together the previous night, but he suddenly felt a burning pain on his thigh, caused by a delicate hand twisting and pinching it.

"Hmmm~ I see, I see...so that how it is...congratulation for the two of you then." Mavis could only smirked, seeing the reaction of the two first thing in the morning after she reminded them about the night before, she got what she was looking for.

"Mavis... I think you should stop teasing Miss Ryan and Leonard…" Sachi who sat beside Leonard told her in a soft voice.

"Oh come on, it's just a little fun... I mean...they are clearly enjoying it after listening to the commotion that they caused last night...you heard it too right, Sachi?" Mavis asked her while waving around her fork which has a piece of fried egg impaled on top of it.

Sachi blushed slightly as she remembered the moaning sound that sounded throughout the night, the moaning of Ryan in pleasure, her face went redder as she compared herself to Ryan during their night.

Needless to say the mood around the table has gotten awkward afterward, so they just remained silent while trying their best to enjoy the breakfast made for them.

At the end of the meal, when everyone had left their utensil down on the table.

"How are we going to deal with the Republic? Since their ambassador has been somewhat...decommissioned by this smart ass here." Mavis questioned as she glanced at Leonard, who did not put her words into his ears while enjoying the nice cup of coffee.

"Yes, this could be troublesome... I hope we didn't cause too much trouble for the Duke and Lord Vandal…" Ryan spoke nervously as she remembered the current situation that they had gotten themselves into...well more like how Leonard dragged them into it.

"That stupid idiot deserve all of it, I regret nothing, no one shall harmed my people without paying a hefty price…" Leonard gave his answer.

Upon hearing Leonard straightforward and blunt response, all of them could only let out a long sigh, in their heart, they agreed with him, that guy indeed deserve a beating.

"Don't worry about it, even if he ended up dead afterward, it won't affect us in anyways at all, trust me on this one." He reassured them.

"How do you know that?" Mavis asked him.

"I look inside of his head...literally, the memories was vivid to say the least." Leonard then recounted on what he saw inside of the ambassador head when he extracted his memories the day prior.

He started off explaining what the ambassador identity is and what his purpose of snooping around the settlement previously an army camp.

Turned out that Stultus Est was a spy and an informant sent by the Republic to look for a certain someone and try to established a good relationship between the country and that person for some reason( he did not go into any other specific detail, well not yet anyway.)

"And do you perhaps know who he was looking for?" Ryan asked him this time, instead of Mavis and her questioning skill.

"Yes , I know exactly who he was looking for, unfortunately I doubt the person he was looking for would have anything positive for the guy, since he did somewhat piss him off after all…" Leonard nonchalantly sipped his coffee.

"What? He did? How-wait...could the person he was looking for be...you perchance?" Mavis raised an eyebrow as she looked at Leonard with suspicion.

"Congratulation, you have found me." He chuckled while putting down his cup of coffee.

"Can you be a bit more serious for once? I mean...like how serious you were yesterday when Stultus slapped me! This matter is important! One wrong move and another war like the Rosen could erupt out- sure we can handle a war or two but dealing with it repeatedly can get tiring you know?" Mavis lamented.

"Alright, alright, just calm down, it is not that serious to begin with, the Republic was ready to sacrifice that fool Stultus to begin with, his duty was to actually find me and invite me to their so call "Shadow Council" that was the hidden ruling party of the Republic- basically they tried to poach me over to their side."

" ? But could they have sent someone more suitable for the job? I mean...why sent over such an incompetence fool for such an important task?" Luminous who has remained quiet throughout the entire breakfast meal, voiced out.

"I honestly had no idea, I only saw the memories of what Stultus account on the whole situation, his point of views on things, not his superior, but my guess is they wanted to test the water first using him."

"So, are you going to accept their proposal?" Ryan turned to him and asked him in a low voice.

"Of course not, why would I do that?- but to think again, it was indeed a tempting proposal, I mean joining the ruling party that controlled the Republic in the shadow...but if I were to do that now, I won't gain anything out of it- it might even bring harm to me in the process, if I were to join anything like that, I need to show off a bit of my might first before anything."

"And talking about might, I notice you- and miss Sachi there, are strong, on the same level if not higher than my former boss, Sirius." Luminous pointed out.

"I know… a lot has happened since I was away... I think I know how to riled up those old fool from the Republic…" Leonard smirked sadistically as a nefarious thought suddenly popped into his dark and dirty mind…

"Do tell... I am curious about what you had in mine." Mavis shot up from her seat and pay extra close attention to Leonard.

"We're going to send them a present, which also contained a warning to them...what better way than to have our friend Stultus...delivered to them?"

need to insert a meme in here... actually I'll just go with another trap pic.

Thank you message to the Patreon Supporter(s)

-The Macho Pikachu

Oniichan_Thickskincreators' thoughts