
chapter 45

Kayaba giant monstrous form shook in fear as the void-like shadowy tendrils wrapped around his entire body and pulled him toward the ground with great forces.

"What is this?!" he struggled to break free- however all his effort were in vain as the more he tried to struggle- the tighter and harder the octopus-like tentacle dragged him down.

"Of course it's one of the skills that I had in my arsenal...you liked it?" Leonard asked him as he crouched down and looked at Kayaba eye to eyes.

"What is this?! This shouldn't even be possible?! I didn't design anything remotely close to his when I inputted the code for the Cardinal system?!" Kayaba began to struggle once more to break free from the giant shadow tendrils.

From which he managed to break out of one or two- however when those shadow tendrils snapped, two more took the place of each of the fallen tendril.

"Don't even try it...I placed all my effort in casting that spell, you won't be able to break free from it anytime soon...the more you struggle the more it will harm you...I'm not sure if you notice it yet- but the tendrils does do some damages...just take a look at your health points...I'm sure it's going down at quite a steady rate." Leonard then pointed out to him.

Leonard was indeed right when Kayaba looked at his own health bars, they were indeed draining in quite a steady rate, at roughly one percent for every three seconds that passed by- he also noticed that the more he struggled the more health will be drained.

"Just who are you?" Kayaba narrowed one of his eyes when he asked.

"Me? I am...Leonard Welser...the man who's one day will become a god." Leonard whispered into the giant monster ears.


On the stadium, all the players were stunned by the pictures that unfurled right before their very eyes, one moment it seems like it was impossible for Leonard to win against Kayaba himself, the next it all changes as those giant shadowy tendrils pierce out from the ground and start binding up the giant monster that was Kayaba.

"Erm...since when can he pulled off something like that?" Klein sat there, staring at Leonard down below with both of his eyes almost popped out from their sockets.

That question was intended for the Moonlit Black Cats to answer.

All the players that witnesses the entire event were also surprised as well, they too wished for some answers from the guild.

"Don't ask us...he never told us anything about that one," Kirito told them honestly

"Yeah man...he doesn't usually show us any of that extreme stuff…" Keita also joined into the conversation as well- but then he suddenly remembered Sachi, he knew that Leonard was quite close to her so that there's a chance that she might know something about this.

"...Leonard only told me that he had some secrets...he didn't share much of it though…" Sachi said shyly as all eyes were onto her.

But suddenly inside of Kirito pocket, a light began to shined brightly- blinding all the players in the audience stance.

"Woah?!" one of the unlucky players who look directly at the source of the light fell over and began to scream in pain while wailing "My eyes! It burns!!!"

What came out of the blinding light actually surprised everyone there.

It was a little girl in a white dress, with long black hairs and eyes, and a cute face.

"Yui!? What! How?! I thought you were on the 50th floor with Lisbeth and Silica!" Asuna shouted out in surprise as she saw her "daughter" appeared right in front of her in the worse location that they could imagine.

"Sorry mommy, I was worried about you two, so I decided to come over since I discover that my main copy has been placed on your body," Yui muttered in a low tone when Asuna questioned her.

"What was that! And who is that little girl?!" Klein rolled over as he was still under the effect of a severe paralysis poisoning case.

"Ummm...what happened to everyone? Why are you all under a severe case of paralysis?" Yui asked.

"Isn't this supposed to be a safe zone?" she then added.

"Kayaba put this onto us- by the way Yui- do you happen to have anything that can cure us?" Kirito asked her.

"Hmm...I think I should be able to undo the effect that was placed on you without much of a problem since it is nothing major that would make the system notice me as an irregularity." Yui nodded before she uses her tiny finger and poked Kirito on the forehead.

Which released from the paralysis effect.

After which Kirito began pulled out status cure potions that he found inside of Leonard shared inventory and began feeding everyone the potion- of course he did it on Asuna first before going over to the other and helped them- he seems to prefer the women in the group over the men though, which put quite a sour taste in all the men that were presence.

"What happened down there Daddy? And why is uncle Leonard fighting alone down there?" Yui asked Kirito as she saw Leonard was standing over the giant bipedal wolf-like monster that was lightly to be over two-story tall.

"well...Akihiko Kayaba challenged your uncle to a one on one fight...that big wolf thing is none other than the creator of Sword Art Online himself...being pinned down and tortured slowly by your crazy uncle." Kirito said that as he picked up the girl and placed her on his shoulder as he saw her struggling to tiptoe over to see what's going on down below.

"Also Yui, can you see what kind of skill that your uncle Leonard is using? I don't think it's anything that I know about at all." Kirito asked the highly intelligent A.I that was sitting on his shoulder having fun watching Leonard torturing the giant wolf monster with tentacles.

"Hold on, let me check the database…" Yui sat in silence while placing a hand on the side of her head for roughly ten seconds.

"...anything yet Yui?" Asuna asked her.

"No Mommy...it's strange...the database don't seen to hold anything that related to the skill that uncle Leonard is using...but it can't really help since uncle Leonard has been using a system that is completely independent of that of the Cardinal system- unless I had admin privileges and access from that system- I don't think it would be possible to find anything useful," Yui replied.

As the conversation between the family of three was going on, all the other players were left in the dark as to who the little girl that just appeared right before them were.

"Can someone tell me who is that little girl?!" Klein shouted out, finally getting their attention.

But the answer that he received was beyond that of his expectations- and also everyone else expectation as well.

"Oh, she's our daughter...Yui, say hi to everyone, Yui." Asuna went over to Kirito and take the girl off of his shoulder and held it in front of everyone.

"What the hell...why don't I know anything about this...I thought she was just a kid that visit your guild occasionally man…" Klein told Kirito while having a blank expression on his face.

Insert a dead tire meme in here.

Oniichan_Thickskincreators' thoughts