
the barons hospitality (2)

"...you're are not kidding right Mars?"

Reimund stood up and gave Mars a hard glare

"because that would be a seriously bad joke to make... might even be fatal"

Mars kept calm and admired Reimund's resolve while he kept a calm face

"dear calm down"


"I said, calm down"


Reimund having suffered a defeat only married men can suffer sat down on his chair again while Irene kept a calm smiling face as she asked

"...are you sure you can heal Hanna, our daughter?"

Mars gave a nod while keeping a serious face

"sure, as long as she lives I can heal her completely"

looking into Mars's face for a few seconds Irene gave a sigh and stood up

"then please follow after me"


Reimund and the maid Elsa also followed after Mars as he was lead up to the 3'rd floor where Irene stopped in front of a closed door where a Maid stood outside and greeted her with a light bow


"...how is she Jean?"

"....i'm afraid there has been no changes"

"I see... well hopefully that is about to change"

while Irene was talking to the maid Jean Mars had more concerning matters to attend to, checking out Jean

'she's a demon right?'

on Jean's head was 2 goat like dark horns that grew out from either side of her head, her skin tone was a light gray almost ash color, she had red flowing hair and black and red eyes

'yep looks demon to me'

"is there a problem?"

Mars stopped checking her out when Jean called out to him, having detected his glance she was less then happy and would likely have asked 'is there a problem with me being a demon' if her madam Irene had not stood in front of her

"no, I was just admiring your horns... of course mine look better but yours have a certain charm to them, you should be proud"

"....you have horns?"

Jean looked a little suspicious and narrowed her eyes slightly and was about to question Mars further when Irene spoke

"jean that can wait for later Mars is our guest and has offered to heal Hanna"

"healing the young lady... in that case please make haste!"

Jean's so far icy exterior cracked as she rushed up to Mars and grabbed his hand and dragged him into the room she was standing in front of

'this is worse than it smelled from the first floor'

as Jean opened the door Mars was hit in the face by the smell of medicine, alcohol and brunt flesh. the room itself was lovely decorated in a cute style fit to the girl the laid on the bed that was in the corner of the room, Mars felt that if not for the badges that covered the burns over most of her body she might even be cute

'well that can wait until later'

Mars decided to wait with checking her out until he had healed her and gently shook off Jean's hand before he walked over next to the bed and kneeled down next to the patient

"how is it, do you think you can heal her?"

"sure, just let me focus for a second"

Mars reassured Irene before he reached out and softly grabbed Hanna's left hand, that wasn't covered by bandages and started to load his [Energy: healing] skill

'let's go with 80 unites for now'

Mars loaded the energy and activated his skill after a few seconds, immediately a clear fluid began appearing on Hanna's body covering her wounds under her bandages making them slightly see-through as the fluid began breaking down the damaged scar tissue


when Jean saw the wounds on Hanna open up again she drew 2 curved daggers form her skirt and slashed out at Mars, aiming for his neck


the sound of metal hitting metal sounded out as Jeans daggers was deflected by Mars's claws that he had only just managed to transform in time to block

"...bad maid, DOWN"

Mars kicked the floor and disappeared from view before he reappeared behind Jean and grabbed her neck before he threw her out through a open window

"...well then"

Mars's claws transformed back into normal hands as he walked back to the bedside and observed Hanna completely ignoring the rest of the stunned people in the room including Elsa that had run up to the window and was looking after Jean

"...you, what did you just---"

"quiet, just watch"

Mars shushed Reimund and watched the clear liquid that now had broken down all the scar tissue and after pausing for a second before new pink flesh and muscle began growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, even her right eye that had been burned began regrowing and after less than 10 seconds the wounded girl on the bed was turned into a young girl around 16-18 years old that had long yellow hair that reached the middle of her back, she had healthy white skin but where her burn wounds had been was slightly paler than the rest of her skin showing a clear lightning pattern that extended form her right hand and cover most of her body expect her left arm and leg


she gave a slight moan and turned slightly causing Reimund and Irene to run over to her bedside


her eyelids fluttered slightly before she opened her eyes, the left eye was yellow while the newly regrown one was slightly paler shade of yellow

'yep, she sure is a beauty... slightly cute even, well not as cute as Chloe... shit'

Mars gave a slight frown as he thought of Chloe, his deep blue eyes even showed a glint of sadness before he turned and left the room with Victoria and surprisingly Elsa following after him and on the stairs down to the first floor Mars ran into the maid jean he had thrown out of the 3rd floor window a few minutes earlier

"prepare yourself!"

Jean unsurprisingly not happy and slightly worn out looking stabbed at Mars with her daggers again, only to have Mars grabbing her wrists and after a good squeezes the daggers dropped down on the stairs before Mars lifted her up in the air and asked Elsa with a sweet smile on his face

"Elsa would you mind opening that window?"


"wait Elsa you traitor when I---"

"and out you go again"

Mars once again threw Jean out of a window before he walked down the stairs and stopped

"oh Elsa can you pick up her daggers, someone might get hurt if they lay there all day"

Elsa gave a small nod and picked up the 2 daggers of the floor before she followed after Mars again and asked

"where are you even going?"

"hmm? oh I was thinking of kicking around the priest that scammed me, then buy some clothes and find a inn somewhere to sleep for the night"

Elsa stopped walking and showed a confused experssion as she watched Mars walk onwards before she showed almost cute determination and ran up and grabbed Mars's arm

"no you're the guest of the baron Orbrage house so you can stay"

"oh... in that case do you guys have some spare clothes somewhere?"

"that's... hmm we might have some in the store room, this way please"

Mars followed after Elsa until they reached the front door where they ran into Jean that looked like she had flame in her eyes when she looked at Mars as she panted slightly

"YOU! do you have a habit of throwing people out of windows!?"

Mars gave a sigh while his ears twitched sightly

"you know she's awake right?"


Jean looked over at Elsa that also gave a slight nod before she rushed past Mars and up the stairs

"... is she always so... moody?"

"well... Jean have been taking care of Hanna ever since she was born"

"I see..."

Mars remained silent as he followed Elsa out of the front door and around to the back of the mansion to a kind-of-nice-as-can-be-shack where Elsa stepped through and when Mars was about to follow after she yelled out to him from the inside of the shack

"wait out there please, it's kind of cramped in here"


Mars walked up to the shack and sat down against the wall and quickly Victoria came over and took her usual place on his lap where she laid down while her horns flashed

"this... garden is... nice"

Mars began petting Victoria's head while he looked around the garden that had neat flower beds that covered the garden, but also noticed a training yard that was next to the shack

"yeah it's kind of nice"

Victoria purred slightly as her head was patted and leaned into Mars's hand while her horns flashed again

"then... are we... going... to... stay here?"

"yeah sure, for the time being"

Mars sat with Victoria for a little while until Elsa walked out with some clothes stacked up in her hands which she sat down in front of Mars

"here, please find something you like"


Mars went through the the pile of clothes and eventually found a pair of plain leather pants and a thick wool shirt that didn't itch which he quickly put on and pulled down his shorts down 5 centimeters before he felt danger from behind and stopped mid action and look behind him and saw Elsa had sparkling eyes

"...err Elsa could you please turn around?"

"please continue dear guest"




Mars walked into the shack and closed the door after him

"wait! please let me---"

Mars ignored Elsa's yelling and banging on the door and quickly changed his shorts to the plain leather pants and opened the door again where he saw the disappointed Elsa



Thanks for reading! :)

next chapter Sunday hope to see you all then

zad1333creators' thoughts