

“GPA?” A frowning expression appeared on Su Hao’s face.

Obviously, he knew about GPA.

Before the era of origin ability, the concept of GPA has been available in any university and is mainly used to assess the students’ result. However, he knew GPA in this school would be different than what he knew about. Otherwise, Xia You wouldn’t ask him in such a manner.

Since course credit is used to differentiate strength, then GPA...

“Is GPA used to represent the true combat effectiveness?” Su Hao gave a smart guess.

“Sure enough, you’re intelligent.” Xia You who was praising him just a second ago dropped a bomb, “Too bad; you’re still wrong.”

Blue veins could be seen popping out from Su Hao’s forehead.

Damn you.

His answer was wrong, yet she praised him for being smart. So, how stupid must he have been in the original image this senior had towards him.

“Although you answered wrongly, you were pretty close.” Xia You laughed.
