
Thanks for Letting Me Know that You’re Fine

“Anyway, I can only live for a few years more.” Li Tiantian muttered to himself.

From his voice, one could sense the bitterness. Su Hao knew this feeling well.

Having worked so hard in order to meet Xiaodie again, Li Tiantian finally accomplished his goal. It was as if at that moment, his biggest purpose had been fulfilled.

And now he didn’t know what to do next.

This kind of cluelessness without a goal, a feeling of someone who didn’t know how to continue living.

Getting Xiaodie back to him?

Protect her?

That’s not something he could do.

As Li Tiantian just mentioned earlier, he only has a few years left in his life. To start a new goal seemed impossible now. As for family members, he has none! Since he achieved his biggest goal, he is now clueless regarding his next step.

Su Hao went silent.

No matter how he guessed, he would have never thought that the problem laid here!


“How long do you still have?” Su Hao asked.
