
Bai Wu, an unbelievable counterattack!

They were all dead.

The smell of blood filled the scene.

The crowd went silent.

Who would have thought that nobody from Fenghui Team could escape death?

Everyone died…

What was more amazing was the strength of Jianghe Team.

In the previous battle, Li Tiantian and Zhou Wang both won, but it was a difficult one. They should have only been stronger than Fenghui’s team by a bit.

But now…

Fenghui Team had broken through!

Whether it was Big Ox or Li Yan’s fiery punch, they were all much stronger during the battle. Obviously, after experiencing failure, one would make progress.

However, they still failed.

They failed once again to the same Jianghe Team!

And they lost so easily!

Chen Yiran tried to disrupt the charge from the four of them by using her powerful snowflakes and ice crystals. Although Li Yan and others managed to break free later, Zhang Jian had been toyed around with by Chen Yiran. How could he, who had a defensive ability, fight against her?
