
Magnetic field repulsion

Su Hao rubbed off his sweat.

It was actually as he had suspected!

Just now, when he was in a deep dilemma, he suddenly recalled something ridiculous. Why couldn’t energy clone itself?

Because it itself was energy!

Since it was an energy itself, what else was there to establish?

The only connecting point between the model world and real world, wasn’t it energy? If so, why couldn’t the energy just directly appear?

Then Su Hao tried to call it out…

Suddenly, it appeared!

“Alright, I have been making a fool of myself for some time now.”

Su Hao felt embarrassed.

He would have never thought that he would have this silly moment of his. Fortunately, blue dream butterfly had already gone back home to play after reaching Jianghe City or else she would definitely laugh at him for days.

“Well, at least I have solved the problem.”

Su Hao comforted himself.
