
Hu Pai's identity


Su Hao’s eyes revealed an astonishing look.

He knew that many industries practiced outsourcing. When he studied computer science during theoretical foundation, he had stumbled across software outsourcing. Thus, he had a little bit of an understanding about this concept. However, he did not think that in the construction industry, the term outsourcing was also used.

Additionally, it was a dignified five star construction studio outsourcing jobs.

When he saw Su Hao’s expression, Hu Pao bitterly smiled as he shook his head. “Later you will know that in fact, it is not only a construction studio. Even when building a real building, the construction team would also be having this outsourcing phenomenon.”


Su Hao smiled while he looked at him. “You seem to know the construction industry very well. Now for you to make business, don’t tell you that you know every industry out there well? If so, you guys doing such a job must have been amazing!”
