
Virtue is One Foot Tall, the Devil Ten Foot!

“How could it be this?” Su Hao seemed to be hardly accepting of the fact, “How about when you all are leaving from here? How are you going to explain all that?”

“Haha, such an easy task!” Song Biao laughed, “The team fought among each other to grab for the nine Nitai artifacts. Jinhua City as the winner got six pieces, while we as the loser got three pieces. Meanwhile, for the others, I am sorry to say that all of them died during the fight.”

“Therefore, it was not the first time you all doing this?” Su Hao asked unbelieving.

“Of course.” Song Biao sneered and said, “Among the hundreds of cities, we and Jinhua city are the top of the top. As long as the Origin Ability Association does not notice, we can easily hide whatever news we wanted to. We are the emperor among the hundreds of cities. Back then for a few years, this is the fifth time we have done this.”

Fifth time...
