
Pulling arrow, shooting bird

Although he was an innocent virgin, that didn’t prevent him from knowing the intricacies of procreation.

As a bookworm, Su Hao openly watched both vague and violent materials in the name of scientific research.

Pornography was obviously included within these materials.

As he listened to the berserk beats, Su Hao could only lament at his bad luck.

Even berserk beasts knew how to mate!

Why couldn’t they mate in their own territory? Why did they need to do so in the territory of the drunk rat beasts?

“Damn it!”

Su Hao cursed. He decided to take his chances and quickly moved forward. However, after two steps, one of the berserk beasts suddenly let out a roar. A burst of origin ability energy exploded outward, collapsing the ruins in the area. Su Hao’s figure, which was currently tiptoeing, was completely exposed.



Just a few minutes and you already couldn’t hold it in anymore!

Was it that difficult to hold it in for a few more minutes?
