
The importance of mastering foreign languages

Su Hao went back.

Part of the reason why was to observe the situation inside. Another reason was that...the sky had turned dark! After being occupied the entire day, the night had already set in. Without needing to refer to his map, Su Hao could already guess that he would encounter berserk beasts no matter what direction he traveled in. After all, berserk beasts tended to wander around more at night.

Thus, he needed to find a place to rest for the night before continuing his journey tomorrow.

Was there a better place than Rich chicken farm?

As he entered through the backdoor, Su Hao spotted a group of berserk beasts running around, seemingly play fighting with each other. There were what appeared to be white chicken chasing some little yellow chickens. However, once Su Hao had been noticed, the entire farm became silent.

“Gu gu!”

A low note rang through the air. The rooster had issued a command. The chicken farm instantly became deserted!
