
What is a God without Worshipers? Nothing.

Jack stepped out of his library and took in the familiar surroundings of the bone made walls and ceilings and the obsidian black floors of the corridors within the palace... It had been a long time for Jack.

Jack stopped just as he was about to turn, when a thought struck him, [How... How did these bones of mine withstand the power of my god soul???] Jack looked down into his rib cage, and over his robes to his skeletal hands holding his laptop and Femur Ferula...

When Jack descended, he felt so funny and disoriented he didn't stop to wonder until this moment.

[I don't feel strange in my bones, as much as I feel dizzy... I was thinking this power was going to melt this body, and I'd have to find a better one, after all, unlike living creatures my body doesn't grow with my soul...] Jack had read this in one of his books and was a well-known growth inhibitor of the undead. It was also one of the main reasons that undead did not have more powerful Cultivators... They would have to find the body of an extremely powerful dead Cultivator and move their soul to it... Like a hermit crab transfers his body to a new shell...

The other way was to use magic rituals to increase the strength of the Undead's existing body. This was one of the main reasons why in some perverse undead cultures a single body was passed down from leader to leader.

[Haaaa~] Jack sighed within his mind, [It's damn hard to walk, though even if it isn't falling apart.] Jack thought, as he just accepted that this body must already be improved... What with all the magic runes inscribed on it, but... What did these runes mean? Who carved them? The last guy...? Jack shook his head and tossed the thought for now...

[I should give it more time to adjust to my body again... I did float around in the plane of light for who knows how long, but I want to go check on Julia... Maybe... Maybe I can fly now.]

Jack concentrated on the feelings he had experienced before while using his power in his soul form. While Jack was personally at the King Rank now, his god soul was Ancestor Rank, well above the requirement to fly.

He felt that a tiny portion of his power push against the surroundings, as he levitated about 30 centimeters above the obsidian stone floor. His feet pointed downward, though he didn't let them dangle. He took a superhero approach to floating... instead of the awkward look of walking on the air.

[This actually feels easier than walking... Who would of thunk?] Jack didn't question it, as he floated along the corridors, like a wraith.


[GOD-KING!?!?!] Lucius responded in astonishment.

[Ah... Yeah... If you want to call me that. We really need to talk over the God-King thing. Not sure if I should be called that, even if I joke about it.] Jack mused over as he mentally spoke with Lucius, as he was making his way out of the palace.

[No, no, no! God-King, anything but calling you by your Title is wrong!!! What do you need of your servant?!]

[Lucius... Like, calm down. It's me... Jack.]

[How dare I address the God-King by his name!]

[What if your God-King commands you too?] Jack countered.

[Ah...? Ummm... I have no choice...]

[Sounds good... Though I don't want to pull the God-King card when I just said We need to talk about that... Do We still have bone doctors here in the Palace?]

[Of course! We have Doctor Hollowell of the Hollowell Clan! He is the best bone doctor in the kingdom if you don't count Warmarshal Darkfield. He is known as the best Holy Bone Doctor, though... Why?

[Julia, Ah... Warmarshal Verruca was hurt. I'm bringing her for treatment.] Jack moved through the court and seen his new throne... It was nice, but it wasn't as good as the one he made.

[I will send the Templars to get her! It'll be two months before they get back. There are bone doctors in Zitergall. They should fix her though, right?] Lucius suggested and then questioned.

[Zitergall doesn't exist anymore.]

[...Huh?] Lucius didn't understand what he was hearing.

[I removed it. Destroyed it, whatever you want to call it. It's gone. I'm going to build a new city, instead of fight for that one.] Jack said offhandedly, as he floated out the door, and looked over the Palace square at the monument of shame... This monument was a bit tasteless now that he had a second look at it, [I need an artist to make something nicer to condemn these sinners and traitors.]

Jack mentally filed this away for later, as he rose into the air. It was good that when he went to his Library he was already dressed, but sitting on his golden throne, a thought occurred to him, as he flew over the City to where he dropped off Verruca, [Crap! I need another bath...] Jack felt like crying.

A lot of undead were still standing in the streets, from where they had just witnessed the power of the God-King. They were discussing with each other in hushed tones when some of the more observant undead spotted a flying figure in the sky.

They pointed and cried that it was the God-King again, but in his undead-form, as they called it, and not his God-form.

They, again, took a bended knee, while other more zealous undead outright face planted as he flew over.

Jack felt slightly satisfied, as he thought over how his display of power gained the respect and attention of the people... [Feels good to be the King.] Jack remarked on a rare occasion.

To the south of the City, he made it, and right over the walls of Saigunrai, he found a large group of undead wondering to the City. They pointed to Jack, as they all face planted, with the exception of Verruca. Even Stephanie Chaoshood's face planted. It wasn't but an hour ago, that her unlife was brought back into this world.

Jack looked in the sky and all around for Leslie, but didn't see her, so he flew down to the front of Verruca.

"Julia, We need to have your wounds looked at, come here," Jack commanded.

"I can make it with the rest. Don't worry about me." Verruca smiled wearily. She didn't really want to talk to Jack, at the moment, after what just happened and the bet she made.

Jack became silent, as he mentally frowned, [Why isn't she just coming with me?]

A silent pause occurred, as all the undead present were speechless, as well. The God-King said come here, and you didn't come here... Madness!

Jack decided not to browbeat her, and just do what he wanted to, as he floated over, and before she could react, Jack had hefted her massive form in a princess carry, and flew back to the Palace, with his words lingering in the air, "I will send people to look after you all. Stay put."

Hearing the words of the God-King, all the undead did as told, some even stated face planted, until he was his words had long faded.

Verruca spoke up while being carried, angry and annoyed, "Put me down!" She flailed.


"I said put me down, so I mean down." Verruca raised her voice louder, though no one could tell her words as she was high in the sky above.

Jack looked down into the face of Verruca, as he trod the sky across the City. His flaming eyes crackled, as he looked into her eyes.

Verruca being looked at this intensely, turned her face, but asked instead, "Can you put me down?"


"Because... I'm strong enough to make it back to a doctor. I don't need your help..." Verruca said gloomily.

"Really? It doesn't matter how strong you are, you will always need help... I'm a King, but without my people, I'm just a random undead. I'm supposed to be a god, but without my worshipers, I'm just a random mortal... I need the people's help to rule; I need the people's faith to lord. Do you understand?" Jack explained slowly and then asked.

Verruca remained silent, as he touched down in front of the Holy Palace and walked through the Courtroom to meet Lucius.

"Lucius, send people to the south of the City to take care of the wounded, and build some temporary housing for the homeless of Zitergall... Give priority to the Furysmith Clan. They have gained my favor."

"Of course, my lord!" Lucius snapped out in Zeal!

"Enough of that... Where is Doctor Hollowell?"

"He is waiting for you in the ward," Lucius noted, as he left through the front of the Palace to complete his task.

"Well, let's go see this Bone Doctor, shall We dear Julia." Jack teased, as he noticed that while he carried Verruca into the Palace in his arms, she turned her face away from Lucius as if trying to hide. Comical.

Voidmirage here!

Oh, man these were some fun chapters to write!

So hyped for that Blood Princess!

Where is my Braindead fans?

What is an Author without his readers? Nothing!


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