

"Konan…" I say out of surprise.

Sweat dripped from my forehead, almost as if the sky were been falling down on top of me.

'How am I to explain this?' This though cluttered my mind and it felt like my head was 'bout to explode.

Like how do I explain to an enemy/defector of the Akatasuki that I'm not apart of their organization and just love how the outfit looks… But also… Why the hell is she here?!

While my mind was filled with all of this Konan spoke out to me. Yet I did not dare to look her in the eyes.

"It seems that you know of me. Now please state who you are, or I'll have to force the answers from you." As she said this I see many small sheets of paper float around her body preparing to be used in her unique Shikigami style.

*Gulp* I swallow my saliva heavily.

I raise my hands to show I mean no harm while I wear a wry smile and explain.

"Konan, uuuuhhh… Well you see, my name is Daban Paradox. I in fact hold no relations to the Akatsuki organization. The only reason I wear the outfit of a member is solely based upon the fact that it is an amazing style. That is why I where it."

She looked at me with a dumbfounded face and well just changed her expression to one of 'What the hell is he thinking?' after give or take two minutes of starring me up and down she deciders to put away her paper, yet her eyes tell me she is still on guard.

"Then explain to me how you know my name, even the people of Amegakure do not know my name and refer to me as 'God's Angel' only finding it out recently when I became leader of the village. But how can you, a person who I have never met before and is not apart of Akasuki know of my name."

She throws me a near impossible ball to catch. But I speak with utmost confidence.

"I have been a follower of the life Naruto Uzumaki has lead, he is a very inspirational young lad, a very powerful ninja and deserves his recognition. Therefore I know about the life he had gone through since birth through a special viewing technology. You Konan just so happen to have been involved with Naruto and therefore was easily recognized by me. I hope we did not get off on the wrong foot."

Not a single word I said was wrong or a lie, I had in fact been an avid watcher of the Naruto series, even if I never got to finish Boruto.

So when she checked my body for an reactions for a lie she discovered nothing and could only confirm it as the truth. Now she is just sighing at this… But now that her immediate concerns are met with a new one has been noticed…

"If you have been studying the life of Naruto, then how is it that inside your body I have found no signs of Charkra? Even if you have no ability to control your Chakra you should still have it inside of you."

'Stop with the questions, please.' I about broke down in tears at the fact that if I'm not carful I could die. Wait I still have instant transmission, but I will make an enemy of her if I were to leave.

"Hah, fine… I guess you caught me." I say out to her while sighing out and held an arrogant/steady look on my face even spreading out my hands and arms.

"Oh caught you with what exactly?" She seems to get prepared for a fight once again as her paper takes the form of shurikens.

I look her in the eyes for the first time, I almost fall under a spell due to it. Her eyes were very beautiful and I felt as if I would be sucked in if I let down my guard.

But I remove the thought so I was not to be distracted. And I confidently smile.

"I'm just like you Konan. I can traverse worlds to a certain extent and I know quite a bit of information on the world you fare from. In fact this is the third world I have been to. But the question now is, how the hell did you get here? I thought you died."

"Oh? You didn't quiet answer my question but now I understand, do to you not being from the same world as myself you do not have Chakra inside your body naturally. But for you to know that I have died that must mean you have considerable connections in other worlds or ways to obtain information." She deduced from what I said and saw straight through me, as if I were glass.

"Heh, you really are the greatest information gatherer for the Akatsuki. Being able to tell all of that. Now that you know, you can answer my question." I almost stare daggers to Konan.

"Mm, I understand. Then allow me to reciprocate. The reason I'am in this world is unknown to me, after Tobi had stabbed his blade through me and caused me to die of bleeding out I had slowly awoken to realize I was inside this new world. I had merely thought that I was in another part of the Elemental Nations that was unknown to myself, but after spending the past four months here I slowly discovered that it was in fact not even the same world. I can only think that my soul has transmigrated here and my body had done the same but my would did not."

I lifted my hand onto my chin in a contemplation look, I was seriously questioning how it was possible for her to make it into the Soul Eater world. 'I wish Darcy was here to help me.' I wanted to cry again.

But it hit me all of a sudden… That villager, her name was Mireille Bouquet… That woman was also an anime character as well, she came from the anime Noir. So I can say now, that other anime characters will appear in other worlds as well… I wonder to myself why this is.

I look up at Konan and begin.

"You are like myself Konan, I died as well, the only difference was that I was given a new body and special abilities that match other beings from different worlds. The way I died was that my skull was crushed will I was working my job and in the world I myself am from is a world far more advanced than yours but due to the lack of special abilities only a select few can reach the apex of the world. After my death I found my soul floating in the endless void until another soul fused with mine and gave me a new chance at life."

Konan was slightly surprised that we had similar fates and was intrigued, so she asked me directly…

"I see, we have very similar fates. We both died to be where we are. So Daban? May I inquire what some of those special abilities are? And as well of the other world that you had visited."

She seemed to relax a bit more after saying this, even calling me by name. But she still carried no smile, ashamed I must say.

"Hah~ Well that's fine. One of the you know quite well. The Sharingan." As I say this I close and reopen my eyes which were now a blood red with a ring and single tomoe.

Upon looking at the Sharingan she was surprised to see a being with no Chakra activate it. When she asked I told her I had a unique energy activating it. As for why it was so weak was because I needed Chakra to help upgrade it.

"The next would be Instant Transmission. It works similar to the Mangekyou Sharingan of Tobi except mine uses my inner energy rather than my eyes to use. I also need a specific target to lock onto when using it."

To show her how it worked I simply teleported to Black Star and then to Mifune. One was to hit a brat and the other to take a sword. After that I appeared behind Konan… And swung the blade.

She was only slightly surprised, this was due to her bout with Tobi and she learned her lesson. She immediately dodged my simple attack and landed twenty feet away.

"I see. Though it does work like Tobi's ability yours is far superior in speed. But even so it is not my match due to me begin used to such things."

I nodded my head.

"Mm, as expected of you. Finally one more is Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic, an ability from a magic fairing world. A very powerful technique after it is used to it's full potential. But for now is not to helpful."

My demonstration this time was much more mysterious as I had just melted myself into a shadow on the ground. After the sky set a bit shadows were all over and Konan was unable to use Chakra sense to locate me.

I began to regrow myself off her stomach, greatly startled by such a thing she immediately jumped back and prepared for battle.

But as I stood from the shadows I merely waved my hands and signaled her I meant no harm.

"As you can see, these are three abilities I have gained due to mere chance. Quite something, huh." I boasted to Konan who was practically destined to be my waifu at this point.

Then she finally smiled. "Yes, I have never seen such things before. Even the Shika Clan has less control over the Shadows than you do. But still without Chakra you have no hope of making the Sharingan better than its initial state."

As we continued back and forth for well over the next hour speaking of the High School of the Dead world, Konan spoke to me of her life in the Soul Eater world and how she decided to be a protector of Angela like Mifune.

I looked around me. I gazed into the 'water'.

"*Gulp* The defense you have set up for particularly menacing enemies seems to be way over the top… Don't you think so Konan?" I gave a seriously wry smile.

Now she was truly surprised as I had knew the secret of the lake around the Castle.

"You can tell? Well… Though the lake is made of my origami explosive tags they are not as much in quantity as Amegakure."

"Yep, I can tell. Amegakure Lake can go off for a whole ten minutes… This one still seems it can go off for roughly one and half to two whole minutes tops. More than enough to kill anybody on this planet."

Now she had a contemplative look on her. NOT GOOD!

I felt a shiver run up my spine as she held the look on her face, and stared me down as if she wanted to eat me alive.

She finally cracked a small smile.

It was beautiful… Yet exuded a great feeling of terror in me.

"Well… Now that we have all the intellectual questions out of the way, why don't we show each other our strengths. How about we have a spar? Sound good?"

I was now covered in cold sweat from my boots to my scalp.

"W-w-why would we need to-to know each others strengths? I think the idea is great bu-"

I was cut off after my stumbling tongue by Black Star.

"Teach! Don't be a wuss! If you back out Imma tell the whole school!"

'Damn Brat I your father will kill you!!' I screamed out in my head.

"There is no need to panic, we are doing this for one reason… I wish to return back to my world and since you have a way to traverse these world I wish to tag along… And knowing how you fight will be greatly helpful in the long run."

I seriously almost let my tears drip out of my eyes. 'I'm not strong enough to take you head on Konan… I'll probably die.'

But I couldn't let the fact that Konan, the one and only female Akatsuki member wants to travel through worlds with me! 'YES!!' I fist pumped to myself.

"Alright then Konan, if you want to travel with me then knowing your strength in detail will help me immensely. So shall we start after they leave?"

I point to my students and Mifune who has Angela on his shoulders.

She nodded "Yes. Let us wait until it is cleared for us."

Mifune placed down Angela and went over to his swords that were burried in the ground

"Alright then, before you two get into the heat of battle let me-" Now I cut off Mifune.

"Leave those swords, I have decided to fight using the same technique as you have used earlier and see if it has any affinity with me."

After hearing what I had said, Mifune could only chuckle and left the blades scattered across the sparring ring of Konan and I.

He didn't expect that I could pull it off after only seeing it a single time… But I had the entire skill set inside my head. I probably won't be able to use it considering that Konan can fly though.

Everyone then went onto the sidelines and prepared to see the show. Waiting until they see a couple of real powerhouses fight.

"Okay then, Konan are you prepared?" I ask her.

"Yes Daban, whenever you are." She said as she had her paper float all around her.

"Then let us begin when this coin hits the floor." I pull out a single quarter from my pocket and placed it on my thumb prepared to flick it into the air.

"Agreed." She said in anticipation.

I remembering that close quarters combat was the weakness of Konan only smiled as I flicked the coin with a *Ting* and then…

… a clatter.

So we began.


Konan started off with throwing over thirty origami shuriken at me using a very meticulous technique.

I took out the single blade that I got from Mifune and swung a single time. This caused a big enough wind to throw off the shuriken heading my way and they clashed onto the ground around me. In this time frame I hear Konan say out "Angel's Advent" and behind her appeared her trade mark wings of paper.

Her Akatsuki uniform even showed signs of falling apart from being made of paper to use in the next attack.

She creates several spears and throws them to me. I decided to immediately dodge "Soru" I say as I disappear and reappear several meters away. *BamBamBam* I hear as I see three paper spears penetrate into the ground.

I look up at Konan who seemed only slightly impressed by my movement skill.

She lifts her hands and then I see the lake change into paper.

These sheets circled around Konan and prepared to be fired at me.

But before she can do so I pick up another sword at my left side and wield it as well.

Seeing my action she doest give me anytime to get ready and immediately fires several spears my way, while doing so she floats backwards and pulls more paper to fix her outfit.

Seeing these spears come at faster than a hundred kilometers an hour I wield both blades in my hand and do the most simple action I can think of… Inserting Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic into them.

"Shadow Dragon Slayer Slash!" I yell out, as I swing my twin blades toward the incoming spears.

The blades grew black and had shadows drip from the blades as well as a smoke like shadow rise from it. As I swung the blades an ark of shadows exited from the blade and went toward the incoming spears and swallowed them whole.

Now she was taken aback, the paper she sent out could no longer be felt, it was gone forever. For her paper to be so easily destroyed shocked her greatly inside.

Her paper was specially made and infused with Chackra, it was harder than steel and highly resistant to water and fire.

But to be destroyed so easily… Interesting.

'Shit, that attack actually took three times the normal amount of MP.' I thought out to myself.

Now Konan was taking this a bit more seriously.

She then converged several clones made with her lake paper. "Shikigami: Paper Clones"

Four paper Clones stood before me, and I wanted to run. But I cannot do that as it would give her a good chance to attack. So I do as I thought I should.

I summoned an Undead. "Create Middle Undead: Skeletal Dragon" as I held my hand forward and said these words a magic circle appeared and a black blob came about. As I didn't have corpses to use with the making of this Skeletal Dragon it looks very basic and ordinary but the cost of making it also shot up, it cost me 6,000 MP this time. Three times the normal cost an d it is not even a permanent summon it only last a week.

The creation of the Skeletal Dragon through Konan off and she immediately flew backwards hoping the beast cannot follow in the sky. But to her disappointment the Skeletal Dragon rose up after a mighty roar that shook the air and flew after Konan.

As the Skeletal Dragon can cause a distraction to Konan her Clones could only do basic combat as she is unable to mix this move with the Shadow Clone Technique and give them a false life.

I quickly shouted out and used "Shadow Dragon Slayer Roar!" and blasted a black beam of shadows at the clones who charged my way with paper Kunai. This blast went through the clones easily and blew them to bits thus destroying the Chakra channels within and destroying them. But even so over 50% of the paper was blown away while the rest was destroyed.

As I look at the Skeletal Dragon I see it was surrounded by a storm of paper and then… That very paper blew up setting off a chain reaction of explosions.

Konan was visibly upset after destroying my undead, well aware I did not tell her of the Undead ability. But she understood as she never spoke in great detail of her skills.

As she looked my way she began to turn into paper and spread in the wind but before she could complete it.

I appeared in front of her.

In my hand was Mifune's blades and I struck down.

I only struck down to find that she exploded into a large group of paper.

"A Clone?!" And indeed it was. But it was no ordinary clone, the paper began to arp around me and encase me while other sheets of paper floated around me with ink engravings.

It was a paper tomb bomb clone. "SHIT!" I holler as I try to move and get away out from the encasing of paper.

But it was far to late.


And a huge explosion was set off.

Tsubaki called out my name in horror and both Black Star and Mifune were shocked. Mifune knew she was strong, but not to this extent. Angela had her eyes covered by Mifune but not her ears so she could hear Tsubaki scream. This greatly scared her.

As the explosion went off the paper brings itself together back at the courtyard of the castle and Konan returns to her normal self. Even she was surprised that I was unable to escape.

She grows worried since I was nowhere to be seen and even Black Star called out to me a bit worryingly wondering of my fate.

Uknown to everyone who saw the explosion… All the twenty-one swords of Mifune were missing.

Konan was about to personally go back to check the area and see if she could find where I was at, but before she could walk forward.

A sword fell from the sky and landed in her way.

*TCHING* The sword went off as it impaled into the ground.

Konan was taken aback by this blade suddenly appearing before her as she steps backward, yet this was futile as she only heard. *TCHING* again as another blade was impaled.

Suddenly realizing what was going on she attempted her escape. But only to be soon surrounded by another nineteen *TCHING*s as all the blade on the battle field suddenly surrounded her.

As she prepaid to summon her wings once again… The cold feeling of a merciless blade rested itself on her left shoulder. It was Sandai Keitsu Wazamono the blade that was constantly carried on my left hip and wanted to taste fresh blood.

Now she felt shock. To be cornered. 'How did he escape?' she wondered to herself.

"Seems it's my win, ain't it Konan?" I ask with a soft yet overbearing tone.

Konan could only sigh, she was cornered… She let her guard down believing that I had been gravely injured in the explosion. In fact, I was supposed to be.

The only reason I wasn't was that I had surrounded myself in my own shadow and used Tekai to it's greatest extent. This not only kept me alive from the explosion but thew me over the castle into the best spot to surprise Konan… From above.

She would have never expected that her opponent would get the advantage of being above her. This was because she could fly with her wings and almost deemed herself unbeatable in the air.

"Hmmm, I must say that you are indeed very good at battle. Yet I must also say that this is a tie and not a win for you." She says slowly so that me with my elevated heart rate can easily hear.

"What do you mean?" I say with a questioning look.

But before she answered. No rather than answering she showed me.

On my back I can feel the crawling of several bug like things, it felt like "Butterflies" I say with sweat dripping from my head once again.

Yes, the butterflies on my back are origami placed their by Konan and were made of explosive tags. And on the back of my neck I felt a small prick, as another clone was behind me holding a kunai.

'Damn, in the end I was in check from the beginning.' I can only have this thought as anger rushed through me.

"HAH~ Seems I lost from the beginning." I say out loud to reduce my anger and stress.

"Yes, those shurikens I threw at you in the begging became the butterflies on your back and when I made clones one was disguised as a rock until you neared it." Konan spoke in a teasing tone.

I can only let out a wry smile at this, I and thought I won for a second there too.

"Well then." I say as I sheath Sandai and look at Konan who turned my way.

"I look forward to working with you Konan." I gave a genuine and happy smile to Konan.

Hr eyes grew slightly big as she early ever sees such a heart filled smile.

And she herself had a smile grow on her face. And finally reached for my hand to shake.

"Yes, I look forward to it as well. Daban."

She finally grasp my hand and we shake them only once. This shows the beginning of a great partnership.

A little shorter than usual… True.

Anyway thanks for reading.

And let us continue the prompt from last chapter.

"Tell me an ability that you would like to see being used and make sure to give a decent description."


Also, I might start another Novel/Fan fiction later on or something.

DabanCrowcreators' thoughts