
Chapter 2

On the other vehicles lies the journalist, observing the situation carefully.

Her eyes were shivering as she look further, she was shock by the inconceivable sight. It was like her beliefs got suddenly falls to piece as the unbearable sight appeared before her.

Judging by her strong personality and passion for her profession, her job takes more precedence and ignoring emotions... she couldn't be more pleased than to get unearthly news.

While getting herself back, she grabbed her camera man in his brownish leathered jacket and pull it back and forth with force, calling his attention. You can see her incredible strength despite having her small appearance.

" HEY!.....What are you doing you useless shrimp, hurry up and ready the camera! "

Her personality is also different when she's off the camera, that's why some of her coworker's hates being with her during work.

"Hey what are you --" She was interrupted wheb she looked at his camera man that made her felt more uncomfortable.

He was trembling, sweating and shocked. His surrounding starts to swirl, as he is being eaten by his fear...he stopped thinking and he was taken off from reality.

Evanne Santos, who was staring at him couldn't do anything to shake him off. She thought of slapping him but she has right to raise him a hand because their relationship are for coworker only.

"HEY!" She waved her tiny hand at Tien's face, Tien Davidman, the name of the camera man he usually follows Miss Evanne everywhere without complaint, he is the kind of person who couldn't whine because he was more afraid of Miss Evanne because of her vehement personality and sharp tongue .

But today was totally different, even though Evanne was staring at him with sharp eyes, he didn't fazed at all nor moved her eyes towards her. It was like he is on different world.


finally decided to leave him alone.

"Muhh....what's going to happen to you witbout me? with your poor performance, you probably got fired a long time ago."

But Tien didn't noticed nor heard her. considering his situation, she opens the digital camera and start taking a video while sucking and griding her fingernails of her right thumb, since it was her hobby when she feels discomfort.

* * *

"If I were you, I wouldn't do that miss." a deep voice suddenly speaks outside the vehicle where Miss Evanne were taking a video from the inside.

She were startled by the stranger voice suddenly warns her because she was trying to open the door but it was locked.

She brought the window downward from her position located in the backseat of the vehicle to ask something to a soldier.

"Uhh sir," she said in a cute manner.


With a cute manner and cute voice like of a tiny bell sound.

"Can you accompany me to take a video?"

She said while combing her long wavy black hair with her fingers and glittering eyes.

She's trying to charm the soldier to her beauty to escort her towards the site to get more and clearer video because from their position, their sight where limited but enough to see but the video wasn't enough to satisfy her.

The soldier where staring at him with cold eyes. She can clearly see whats written on his face, Annoyance.

"Ah--" she express, as she moved back, this was out of ger expectation.

Naturally, in a split second, in this kind of trick that she invent herself, her interviewee can quickly answer all of what she's asking like it was hypnotize.

With her appearances, she can quickly become a celebrity, an actress or a model of some fashion magazine.

But she didn't want that kind of life, it bores her. Since she was a child she was kind of adventurer, craving for some thrill and action.

"Ahh,...Ehehe," with a weak smile, she tried to ease the pressure that falls into her.

"You know ma'am, you really should listen to us.

It's too risky out here....It's more safer inside..so please just..stay in the car."

Never wanted to hear another explanation coming from her, he turned his back opposite from Evanne.

( What a lady...youngsters nowadays have nore courage than you can imagine... Even it's my 20 years in service, I never encounter such thing that makes my knee tremble.....dear God....but that girl....) He told himself while looking at the dark forest beside them.

(UWAAAAAAAH!...I can't believe this! so imbarassing! if only WAAAAAAHH...)

Embarass by just what happened earlier, she starts to mutter showing a grumpy face on her expression.

* * *

*AARGH ( sound of vomit )

Sergeant Kyle were kneeling down under a large tree, he was throwing off what he's eating since this whole time.

Captain walks around while covering his mouth with his left hand.

"This is hideous, what kind of devil can do this?" He said while looking around.

The headlights serves as the lights for them to see a horrible site.

A mass of slaughtered corpses of headless bodies wearing a thick plate armor that is made of some kind of metal that looks like the knights in medieval period and dead horses wearing an armor lies all over every where.

Captain couldn't took off his eyes on the bodies as he started count the strange looking corpses.

(" What the hell happened here? " ..."What are they wearing?...Who are these people? ")

This kind of questions keep revolving inside of Captain Arthur.

" We didn't receive an intel about a large people missing, but maybe they are from another country but its impossible, its not like we just travelled a dozens of kilometers and we can't do that with our vehicle..."

He kept thingking this inside of his head as he starts to count the bodies

The seen where just like the aftermath of a battle..with arrows around and slashes and deep wounds and long swords and shield that can be found on corpses but the most disturbing of all is the mark embedded on their clothes and a ripped flag on the carts that he hadn't seen this before.

Fighting a wave of nausea and having a slight migraine, he could hear the murmuring of his men talking about the same question from his back as the ambience sound of an owl howling deep inside the forest...For him, this is the most scariest thing that he had seen in his whole life....the situation couldn't be worse.

Carefully taking his step, he continues to come forward and wander.

The blood had dried and the ground became sticky...and a smell incoming from the bodies smells like a rotten fish and decayed flesh....He could tell that this was happened 3 to 4 days ago.

(How could we not know this?) He still building some questions in his mind.

Corporal Nathan could see mountains of bodies because he was positioned on the roof of the car. Holding the big gun is the only thing that could ease his discomfort.

(Bodies?....But where the hell are their heads?)

Corporal Nathan couldn't open his mouth, because once he did this...he might end up throwing up.

Captain lost his counting, his spirit broke down a lil and gave up on counting. Counting wouldn't help, in fact it will make him feel worse.

As the numbers go up, he could feel himself breaking.

He knelt down and close his eyes, he offers a prayer for the dead.

(May God welcome you on his kingdom).

It was dreadful, but he finally caught himself and wore a white gloves

*cough *cough

( he started to cought )

Reluctantly, he started to touch the corpse. It was not because of curiousity but its a way to investigate. The body was lying on its front, making a soung of rustling metal he flipped the corpse
