
Sign a Contract with Me

Noah only stared at Belphegor. Not only was he clueless about how to proceed, but he had not even considered how to speak with this demon now. Belphegor was the reason why Luca had to become a demon, and he had even threatened Noah about leaving his legion.

However, there was no use in thinking. Belphegor knew exactly what was on his mind; he was only interested in what Noah was willing to admit to other people.

The witch turned around to face him and leaned on the counter, hand holding onto the knife he forgot to put down. "Did we win? The rising failed, didn't it?"

Belphegor only nodded. "Yes, in fact, even Satan himself didn't count on failing so badly. He first thought that, because Demence and Chroma are now gone, he would not find any trouble anymore. Fifteen years was still a wait even for a demon after all.
