
Similar to Rosanna pt 1

The loud whirring of the washing machine echoed throughout the laundry shop. Three front-load machines spun clothes with water and soap in front of them while three people sat on the waiting benches. One male was on his phone, another was only sitting there, and the girl was looking around.

This laundromat in particular was supposed to be crowded, but there were days that it didn't have many people. Even if other people were using the machines, they had enough distance to make the chores private. It's just that some girls would worry about the girl while checking out the guys.

Allison just loaded her machine and sighed as she watched it whir while she stared at her reflection. It was daunting, the kind of exhausted look on her face. Her machine broke down, and she was left to make use of this shop. It's not that only a handful of people from their residence went here.
