
Character list and reference

- Siran (sometimes called "Syr" by Zia): Jack of all trades and master of many forms of magic. Has the special ability to share with others an extended capacity for magic, increasing the range of spells others can use and increase the amount of power other people can have.

Not much is known about him or his past.

White skin, American origin, tall, skinny. Black hair, green eyes.

Birthday: (Unknown)

- Alex Schulf: former military officer, specializes in CQC (Close Quarters Combat).

Ran away from home as a teenager and struggled to make it on his own. Eventually joined and relied on The Ly'Lum military to support him, but grew to distrust them because of the type of orders that started to get handed down to him.

White skin, born and raised in Omnia with German origins, tall, well toned muscle mass. Brown hair, brown eyes.

Birthday: May 22nd, 2159

- Violet Valentine (Vivi for short): Grew up in Seeira, lacks in magic capabilities but is proficient in the art of making magic based weapons.

White skin, born and raised in Seeira, with English origins, average height, average body tone. Light blonde hair, hazel eyes.

Birthday: July 8th, 2160

- Zia Mahina: Daughter of the head of the former Mahina clan. The clan was housed in Omnia, but claimed their own independence from the state to govern themselves in solitude. However, to the best of her knowledge, her entire clan was killed in a year long war against The Ly'Lum. As the sole survivor, she naturally seeks for revenge while also trying to discover the secrets of her clan that she was never taught.

Tan skin, born and raised in Omnia, with Hawaiian/American origins, tall, athletically built. Has Heterochromia Iridum (One bright blue eye and one white eye), silver hair.

Birthday: December 31st, 2163

- Finn O'Leary: A former thief who specializes in illusionary magic. He lost his job, then his home, then everything else he had. While homeless, he turned to a life of thievery to survive. Eventually he found an abandoned house where other homeless people were taking shelter, but he didn't care about it until he noticed that there were homeless children there too who were starving. Started stealing money from government buildings to buy food for everyone and helped the other homeless people survive as well.

White skin, born and raised in Omnia, with Irish origins, average height, average body tone. Blonde hair, green eyes.

Birthday: October 31st, 2168

- Rose Atiyeh: Grew up as an orphan and raised by rebels. She never even knew her parents names, but she felt close enough to the rebels that raised her to call them family. That is, until they were all killed for rebelling against The Ly'Lum. Before she had the chance to fight alone, she met a traveler by the name of Holly Jeong who helped take care of her for a short period of time and taught her more magic. Rose has abandonment issues and gets easily attached to people.

Tan skin, born and raised in Egypt, short, athletically fit. Pink hair, green eyes.

Birthday: September 26th, 2170

- Holly Jeong: Grew up in a low income house with her parents as an only child. Eventually, their family lost too much money and went homeless. During this time, Holly learned that knowledge can truly be power when used correctly as she learned to blackmail and cheat her way trough life as a homeless kid. As she grew up, she gave up on cheating people out of money and started traveling across the world to help other people. Primarily, she only helped when there was something to learn, and what she usually learned was that The Ly'Lum is becoming a threat to most countries of the world, even her own home country.

Tan skin, Korean origin, tall, skinny. Black hair, hazel eyes.

Birthday: November 23rd, 2154

- Mikoto Ueda: The twin sister of Satomi Ueda (younger by one hour). Her and Satomi grew up in a fairly average household. As they went to school, they made a few friends but we're mostly bullied before entering high school. With the lack of things to enjoy outside of school, Mikoto dedicated a lot of her time to teaching herself magic with the use of reference books to help learn the arts. After entering high school, Mikoto and Satomi made plenty of friends and started spending a lot of time with them. They took on karaoke and found that they had a knack for signing.

Tan skin, Japanese origins, average height, skinny. Black hair, brown eyes. She keeps her hair untied.

Birthday: April 8th, 2169

- Satomi Ueda: The older twin sister to Mikoto, as the two spent time learning magic, Satomi discovered that Mikoto seemed to learn magic faster than she did. Feeling like she was falling behind her sister, she also picked up sports. At first, she'd play alone in a batting cage, practicing her swings with a baseball bat. She always tries to help manage Mikoto, but she also feels as if Mikoto grew up faster than she did.

Tan skin, Japanese origins, average height, skinny. Black hair, brown eyes. She keeps her hair tied in a bun.

Birthday: April 8th, 2169

- Tanya Branely (single mother of Alissa "Ali" Branely). Former gang member of Wolf Pack, tries to live a normal life for her daughter. She was engaged to a man named Tyler Pertly. However, before Ali was born, he left her. Being a single mother, she dedicated her life to trying to take care of her only child the best she can. Being a former gang member has given her the skills to protect her daughter, however she's new to being a parent, so she always feels like she's not doing enough for her daughter.

White, born and raised in Vega with English origins, y'all, athletic body build. Blonde hair, hazel eyes.

Birthday: January 21st, 2156

- Demetri Ivanov: Cyber-geneticist, explosives expert, former doctor. He was a surgeon in Russian, but not a well known one. He later became infamous because of his "research" on the human body being deemed unorthodox. He took up making explosives as a hobby but later used it as a mean to escape trouble. When it became known he was an explosive arms developer, it created more trouble for him. He then had a bounty placed on his head and ran away into hiding.

White, born and raised in Russia, tall, average body build. Brown hair, blue eyes.

Birthday: March 23rd, 2150

- Robin Hood: Son of Garreth Hood of The Mages Guild. As if his poorly chosen name wasn't enough, he didn't get along at all with his father because his father personally put him through rigorous training in preparation for pushing him into the military against his will. Robin and his father never saw eye to eye, and the little interaction they had between them only tore them apart more, until the point where Robin decided he personally wanted to kill his father.

White, born and raised in Omnia, Sheffield origins, short, skinny. Black hair, green eyes. Looks almost like a younger version of Siran.

Birthday: July 19th, 2175

Other characters:

[Side characters]

- Angela Mahina

- Lily Mahina

- Mason Phelloma

- Donald "Don" Frey

-Li Xiu Ying (Also known as just Ying)

-Zhang Wei (Chief of Police in China)

-Haru Nakamura (She's a First Lieutenant of the Japanese special forces SAT)

-Kirk Holland

-Blake Russel

[The Mages Guild]

- Garreth Hood

- James Markwood

- Paul Teeter

- Skylar Demetri

- Agatha Besse

- John Steichen

- Jack Tobin

- Tory Peterson

- Ruby Blackrose

- Amelia Reese

- Kyle Ross

- Autumn Tyrel

-CH-Mk. 217 (AKA Predator). CH-Mk 217 stands for Cybernetic Humanoid Mark/model 217. Predator is a robotic entity created by The Mages and is powered by Endoindustria from Naris and Siran's body as a means to hunt down Siran.

This reference sheet will constantly be updated!

LeoFraustcreators' thoughts